
God, the franchise thirst can be seen from space. They couldn't quite figure out how to make those Hunger Games prequels, so this is their fallback. They WILL have their cash cow franchise, God damn it, no matter how many laws of God and man they just break to genetically engineer it!

I can't believe the show is going full speed ahead with The Dumbest Thing Ever™ after walking it back last season. I thought they were going in circles with Barry's character development this year, but I was wrong; they were actually going BACKWARDS.

Look, I'm all for gritty, realistic storytelling, but there is a point where too much is too much. Jasper committing suicide would've overshadowed everything else that happened in the finale and ended the season on the bleakest, most depressing note imaginable. It might've been the logical choice, but that doesn't

So, are we all in agreement that the last scene with Jasper was originally going to end with him killing himself, and the show thankfully decided to cut away before that happened and thus excise it from existence? Seriously, there was something really off about the whole way that sequence was shot— everyone being

RIP Lincoln. I didn't think it was possible, but in the end, the show made you ~just~ interesting enough to mourn.

JASPER: Guys, I’m not saying we’re the problem but… look, we’ve been here for six months. There’s like five of us with kill counts in the triple digits, and Clarke is revered as a death god. We have left mountains of corpses in our wake; literally, in at least one case. I had a dream the other day where the grim

Jasper should probably just stop making friends at this point. Buddy, I love you, but you're bad luck. Anyone who isn't Skaikru that befriends you dies horribly.

So, I really hope there weren't too many excited, superhero-loving youngsters in the audience tonight because the sight of Barry Allen FUCKING EXPLODING on their screens might just be enough to cause a few years worth of nightmares. Christ almighty, show, chill the fuck out!

This show has 99 problems and all of them are ninjas hanging off of it like remora fish attached to a shark. They drag everything down, they make everything less cool, they make all of the characters worse people, and they're so frustratingly obtuse that they aren't even cool on their own terms. I think it's time

I love that Octavia fainted the actual second Jasper drank the goo, giving him just enough time to regret every decision he'd ever made in his life.

So, I wonder… what does it look like in a Writer's Room when a show starts to fall apart like this? Do you think they can tell? Do you think they can feel it slipping away, but are forced to just keep chugging along nonetheless, powerless to reverse the slide? Do they form a silent camaraderie to power through the

So Jaha was talking like he was in the room with Murphy, like he WAS Emori, right there with her, sharing the whole experience, as if the City of Light Hive Mind shares every experience across its constituent bodies simultaneously.

Miracle of miracles, I really felt for Lincoln this episode. When we saw how Daisy betrayed him, I was hurt. When he stuck up for SHIELD, showing how much they had grown on him, I was actually kind of proud. When I realized that his lack of self-control and serious anger issues that the season had spent time

So, wait, didn't Jay/Zoom have Speed Cancer? Couldn't they have just… kinda… waited him out?

I'm sorry, I just cannot buy Lincoln's Dark and Troubled Past. I don't know how much of that is the writing and how much of it is just that Luke Mitchell just isn't too great an actor. I suspect it's probably some of both. Either way, I get far more pathos out of him being the team newbie and unofficial whipping

Ummm, okay, being chained up and threatened with death if you don't fuck someone is a "fun kink?" Good to know.

The show actually confirmed that he was still down there. Death offered Dean a choice between rescuing Adam and Sam and… well, we all know how that goes.

As much as I believe in second chances, I'm afraid the only thing this show could do to make me forgive the awful death they gave Kevin Tran would be to pull Adam out of the pit, preferably as some kind of big bad.

Funny you should mention that: Echo Kellum was just made a regular for series 5! Two black guys on the same show! Black guys who are friends! They can hang out together! Exchange dialogue! Quip about their shared experiences as black men! It's… wow, it's actually kind of depressing to think about how seldom that

Man, this show REALLY does not know its audience. Killing a prominent queer character and then killing a black main character almost immediately afterwards requires some next-level tone deafness. What were they drinking in the writers room this season?