I want Hartley Rathaway as a permanent team member in Season 3. Aren't he and Barry, like, best friends in the comics? MAKE IT SO, CW.
I want Hartley Rathaway as a permanent team member in Season 3. Aren't he and Barry, like, best friends in the comics? MAKE IT SO, CW.
All we can do is quietly pray for record-breaking drops between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Come on, moviegoers. Make a statement! One BESIDES "Please funnel more garbage into our perpetually open mouth holes."
We lose Bobbi and Hunter and we have to keep Lincoln. Truly, this is the darkest day in SHIELD history, a more complete HYDRA victory than even "Turn, Turn, Turn." I, too, order a shot glass sent to Huntingbird's table… and order about twelve more for myself.
Seriously kids, don't do drugs, you will FUCKING DISINTEGRATE.
Well, that was… that was certainly… ummm… what WAS that? Man, this season really seemed to get lost around the halfway mark. And it started off so strong. Punisher wound up being totally ancillary to the actual plot. It's classic Spiderman 3 syndrome— too many threads going in too many different directions, none…
Is there any aspect of American life that *doesn't* have an alarmingly racist past?
Lincoln is fast becoming the albatross around this shows neck. I'm sure Luke Mitchell is a nice guy, but if you told me his character's real superpower was to be inhumanly bland and bore people to death, I'd believe you. Can we get Multiple Girl back? Can Daisy romance her instead? There's been a recent disturbance in…
Jasper is Jasper again! I feel like throwing confetti. Even though he's still sad, we got so much of his actual personality tonight— funny, goofy, sarcastic, sneaky, and low-key in love with his best bro (well, maybe not so much anymore). It's somewhat concerning that he seems to want to spend the rest of his life…
I almost feel bad for Lincoln. Luke Mitchell is pretty (especially when he takes his shirt off), but he has the charisma and screen presence of a bag of wet cat hair.
Jason Rothenberg is likely to spend the next several weeks basically waving his arms and shouting "GUYS, SHE WAS *ON ANOTHER SHOW.* What was I supposed to do, make a cardboard cutout of Alycia and have Clarke make out with that?" This is definitely going to sting the show's fandom given that many people got into…
Monty, stop. Monty, you are on the wrong side. You know this. I can see it in your eyes. Come back to the light, Monty! Just because your mom is an evil child-murdering space-republican doesn't mean you have to be!
It's a damn sight better than last season, and better than the Flash right now, so… *shrug*
All my fears have come true. Kreisberg and Co have Ryan Murphy Syndrome; they can manage a great show for one, MAYBE two seasons before their attention wanders and they go off to make something new and shiny while their old show suffers from a bad case of the IDGAFs.
Clarke, you are about to get your girlfriend deposed and decapitated. A leader who will not seek justice for an atrocity committed against her people is a leader whose reign will be very short. I mean, I get it. Peace is great and all, but you also have to satisfy the needs of the people and the people need…
Show, we need to have a talk.
"Tough love" would be throwing his drunk ass in the brig and banning him from getting any more alcohol, not forcing him to revisit the site of a horrific trauma and then just fucking leaving him to his own devices while you do other stuff.
Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to let Jasper go back to the Mountain? Did NONE of the adults present during that little trip ever stop and think to themselves, "hey, maybe you should wait back at camp?" Abby's the fucking Chancellor for chrissakes. She has guards that will do stuff if she tells them…
Well, I liked Jasper well enough already, but being a drunkass punkass, that casual 'I'm getting my throat slit' grin, and tackling the shit out of a Canadian Pop Star has moved up him several places in my esteem. So, uhhh, well done.
That was without question the worst, most perfunctory, lazily-written bussing of a character that I have ever seen. The entire Patty arc was so utterly pointless— and I LIKED Patty! I thought she was a great character, and her actress was super good and had fantastic chemistry with Grant! And they just completely…
Damn my Ben Whishaw boner. I don't want to see this. I probably will. Maybe I'll catch a matinee.