
So? Felicity Smoak didn't even exist in the Green Arrow comics and she is one of the best parts of Arrow. The comics matter to me about as much as all the other books I will never read, ie; not much. The Arrow people have been great so far about sticking with comics continuity when it works and ditching it when it

One thing I will say for Iris; one of the first things she says to Barry about the "red streak" is that it might well prove him right about his mother's murder. It actually seems to be one of the main reasons she is excited about it. She knows how important that whole thing is to him and that he still hasn't given up

I can't remember the last time watching TV was so much FUN. This show might become my new happy place.

The stuff in this article just makes Nickelodeon's mishandling of The Legend of Korra all the more baffling. You have a legitimately great show starring an awesome dark-skinned lady; why the hell are you so averse to promoting or apparently even AIRING it, especially considering this kind of track record?

If they renamed this show Penguin and made it all about the sociopathic adventures of Oswald Cobblepot, it might be one of the most fun shows on television.

I loved this episode right up until the moment of Sara's death. That is quite possibly the worst-handled, most abrupt and anticlimactic end to an awesome character that I have ever seen. Arrow has built up a lot of goodwill with me, but that little pile of bullshit squandered a good bit of it. I'm still onboard for

I'm loving this so far, but the effects are kind of a mixed bag. The wide shots of Barry running (where he is a red streak of lightning) are great. The close-ups of Barry running (at normal speed, in blur world on what is obviously a treadmill) look goofy as all hell. More of the former, less of the latter, and we've

It really isn't, though. That's another thing you need to understand. The Book of RevelatioN (singular, because it is one dude having one messed up vision) says a lot of weird shit, but it doesn't say half of what they think it says, and what it does say is up for interpretation. Most Bible scholars don't think it's

All. ALL of the children. Every last one. Every single under-13 on the face of the planet disappears. You can't afford to skip that detail; it's vital to the understanding of how batshit-crazy and borderline sociopathic these stories are. The authors actually think the world would continue to function in this

The hallucinations may or may not be bullshit, I can't speak to that, but I can say that the depiction of Fitz's aphasia is pretty spot-on. Everything from his mood swings to his physical tics when he can't find his words is something I have seen in relatives. Iain De Caestecker and the writers get credit from me for

I feel like Satan is employing a bit of reverse psychology here. The Left Behind books are the ultimate in preaching to the choir. They make zero goddamn sense (and in fact seem a bit horrifying) to anyone outside the evangelical circle-jerk. Satan wants you to bring your friends so the insane message of these movies

I felt like a baby in a tornado-tossed trailer from all the tonal whiplash in this episode.

It looks to me like Kuvira is leading the Metal Clan (or an offshoot thereof) to conquering/forcefully reuniting the now-shattered Earth Kingdom. I can see her making a decent argument in the opposite direction of Zaheer; that people NEED law and order, that government must be present and strict, that people require

I don't know about "best," but Majora's Mask is almost certainly my favorite Zelda game of all time because it created such a unique atmosphere. It was incredible to me to watch the progression of Clock Town over the three days, from denial, to panic, to acceptance, defiance, despair, and everything in-between; an

The story in this game is one of the worst I've ever seen, in multiple ways. Consistency, coherence, presentation (huge portions of it are given in voice-over narration during loading screens, which is especially vexing given that the rest of the game adheres to the Zelda tradition of largely voiceless characters),

The Internet is a deep, dark hole, full of smaller holes, where populations of semi-sentient holes (known as 'assholes') gather to spew shit at each other, all day, every day. Eventually, this shit builds up and overflows into the groundwater, contaminating us all.

Based on the trailer, this will either be The Worst Best or The Best Worst. I can't wait to find out which.

There's a point where a wink and a nudge becomes a facial tic and a running tackle. Gotham sailed past that point around the half hour mark and kept right on going. The baseball-bat subtlety and brass-knuckle seriousness has left me bruised and beaten in a dark alley with no one to come save me, at least not until

Man, studios are desperate for that John Green green. Pretty soon they'll be optioning essays he wrote for university, or making movies based off the notes he wrote in people's yearbooks.

This article spoiled my true monkey nature, which I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to find out about for at least two more weeks. Thanks a lot, asshole.