
they have to have a sub-par education, how else do you ensure that these kids won't actually think, and realise what a bunch of ignorant assholes their parents are and run far, far away.

wait, so birth control is evil and they leave it 'up to god' to decide how many kids they have, but how is interfering with god's will by visiting a fertility doctor ok? hypocrisy much?

no, of course it's not always justified. but what kind of moron doesn't know this? so yeah, unless you're an idiot with a martyr complex, don't elbow a cop unless you want to end up in jail. protest peacefully. violent protesters and radicals always end up discrediting an entire movement, which is exactly what

elbowing anyone is assault.

Her image and career do not scream "daddy issues."

i want to know why she hasn't dumped his ass now that she's realised other, hotter men are into her and she doesn't need to stay with a lower who feels like he's doing her a huge favour by being with her.

no, not necessarily future sex worker. i mean, pamela anderson isn't a sex worker. but her image, the fact that her entire career revolves around being 'sexy' and appealing to men, kind of screams past abuse and daddy issues. add to that her shitty taste in men and yeah, it does make sense. pretty much every woman i

yeah. i like pamela but this explains so much about her public persona and horrible taste in men.

i'm surprised he actually has a sense of humour... this makes me hate him a little bit less.


because they're 5. what kind of family life do you think that kid has if he's saying that stuff at that age?

nooooo. It's the perfect way to describe the reactions of the easily offended and über earnest.

and isn't it cute when hyper-earnest baby feminists discover self-righteous indignation and try it out in all the wrong places?

i like jcrew. they have great stuff for work. i only buy it on sale though, their prices are way too much. but the outlet/factory jcrew stuff is a SCAM. i've never found anything in there even remotely similar to what they sell in the 'real' jcrew stores. they're nowhere near as cute or well made. outlet malls in

you were separated from the boys for sex ed? i'm so glad i had a super liberal education where we were taught about masturbation, wet dreams, abortions, putting condoms on bananas, orgasms, homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.

apple is notoriously prudish when it comes to anything sex related.

yup. i love pinterest because it lets me bookmark/organise images and pages i want to save, but in a visual way. bookmarks don't let you do that and tumblr doesn't let you organise/categorise.

Yes, the comment lacked punctuation but was extremely easy to understand if you have normal reading comprehension skills.

pretty much this. i'm not seeing the big deal here. i mean, really, 'vagina inspection'? the wording is so ridiculous it's laughable. while we're on the subject of vaginas, let's not get our panties in a twist.

or the letter itself is the prank and they have no intention of actually assaulting anyone. i find your parallel to be somewhat hysterical and exaggerated.