
Sorry, Jezebel. I respect the opinions of your writers on many things, but art and humor are definitely not among them. And Lindy West? Please, she's the worst of the bunch of self-appointed humour police. Unless by "insightful and captivating think pieces" you mean "getting butthurt and whiny about how

They also found that residents of less obese states tend to eat healthy and exercise more than their counterparts in more obese states.

lol you're adorable. what would someone's personal life affect whether or not you want to listen to their music?

i don't think you can lump everyone into these neat, black and white categories. yes, some people are serial cheaters. and other people cheat but it's more of a one time thing. and as much as people like to believe that 'if someone cheats with you, they'll cheat on you', it's also true that a lot of long-term,

I think it is true that culture perceives men to be more sexual than women, so we spend a lot of time worrying about that need of men's. I think there are a lot of needs for intimacy within a relationship that are perceived as women's concerns, so we don't spend anytime talking about fulfillment of those needs.

I like it. It's not amazing but it's cool. And it is a massive improvement for Louis Vuitton. Maybe he'll manage the impossible and de-tackify LV so that it's no longer synonymous with label whores and new money?

yeah to be perfectly honest, i think this is a case of much ado about if not nothing, in any case not much at all. the gaboury sibide comment was nasty and cruel but i'm not seeing the alleged offensiveness of a lot of the rest of these. the media has always made puns about movie titles, why should this movie be

sorry, not buying into the whole kim=victim/thurston=asshole narrative. shit's a lot more complicated than that and who knows what went on behind closed doors.

you're kind of a picky eater, aren't you?

i agree that falafel is almost always disappointing. to me, falafel is comparable to french fries in that they're easy to find, but it's very hard to find really good ones. so not only do you have to find a place that does them well, you have to eat them the minute they're done cooking or they turn hard and dry and

maybe i'm a cynical bitch but i wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be a hoax, like the lesbian waitress' fake note. but, even if it didn't, i'm pretty much over all these notes going viral. yes, sexism/racism/homophobia are bad, mmmkay, but all this note proves is that yes, there are sexist assholes out there

women who choose to give birth at home are 8x more likely not to vaccinate their kids. at least in oregon. so says the oregon department of health services.

of course they have the right. and i have the right to think their choices are irresponsible. and the world keeps turning.

yup, in those circles the ideology matters more than common sense. my best friend's sister had a horrible, traumatic birth, she tore so badly she thought she would have permanent damage, and almost did if it hadn't been for a skilled surgeon. her kid was 10lbs. the doctor advised her to have a caesarian judging from

And while it might be safer to do it at the hospital, that doesn't mean you'll get the best care.

not the same, but linked. and yes, that group of people is more likely not to vaccinate.

i can. home birthers are 8x more likely to not vaccinate their kids than parents who had kids in a hospital.

they're not the same but they are linked.

yeah of course. it's just that when people say someone is 'mixed', they usually mean mixed race. but of course cultural identity matters as well. not sure how mexican she is though - even culturally - because she lived there for months as a baby and then to learn spanish for another few months as a teenager...

it's not. as multiple articles and studies have pointed out, even if you're not at risk, should an unforeseeable complication arise, it will take you longer to get to a hospital.