
But who decides what's a moral obligation and what isn't? That's my point. It's totally arbitrary. Some of you think Cumberbatch is 'morally obligated' (whatever that means) to atone for the sins of his ancestors. Some of us think that's absolute bullshit. Because there's no law, there's no obligation, or at least

what the hell is a "moral right"? that's up for interpretation. what isn't, is the fact that whatever money cumberbatch received or benefited from that came from his family ancestors, is his legally. Furthermore, he's in no way accountable to the people wronged by his ancestors, even if he 'benefitted' from their

Soon-Yi has spoken out. She's accused Mia Farrow of claming she was younger than she was when she started her relationship with Allen, to further discredit him. She's accused Mia Farrow of making up lies about her early childhood in Vietnam, when in fact she has memories of her childhood and it wasn't the miserable

Mia Farrow, Ronan and Dylan have every right to hate Woody Allen and Soon-Yi. No one is denying that. But the fact that Allen started a relationship with an adult Soon-Yi, even if there was an age difference, doesn't therefore make it any more probable that he would be into prepubescent children. Paedophilia is an

Not so. Mia Farrow's book says they never lived together, he came to dinner a few times but didn't enjoy it because he doesn't like to be around kids, and was never paternal to any of her other adopted children, and barely even to the ones he adopted with Farrow. She always saw him at his apartment and he was never at

Mia Farrow herself has said Woody Allen was never a father figure to Soon-Yi, barely spoke to her more than a handful of times in passing, never lived with her, and didn't take an interest in her until she was 19 or 21 and already in college.

No, that's not what it said, it merely pointed out that 55 year-old Woody Allen and 19 (or 21) year-old Soon-Yi isn't all that different from 50 year-old Frank Sinatra and 19 year-old Mia Farrow.

Um, if you're saying that because a guy wanted to fuck a 20 year-old (whether she's his girlfriend's adopted daughter or not), it is therefore probable that he'd want to have sex with a 7 year-old, that would make pretty much every man out there a paedophile. Seriously, irrational doesn't even begin to describe your

Just because you think he's still 'on the hook' doesn't mean he is. Lots of people have money that comes from their ancestors' dirty deeds, whether it's organised crime, slavery, robbery, and other transgressions. C'est la vie. They're not the ones responsible and they are under no obligation to give it back or

Just because you 'don't want to talk about it', doesn't mean the argument isn't valid. Do you really expect the white or ladino Mexicans to return everything they have to the Indigenous peoples of Mexico? And not all mixed people in Latin America are mixed as a result of rape, don't be so ignorant and disingenuous.

Then by the same token, anyone descended from Spaniards in Mexico should give up everything they have since it was also built on the exploitation of the Indigenous peoples who lived there before the Spaniards arrived and fucked everything up. But it would be ludicrous to try to undo the errors of history today, not to

get over yourself.

oh, here we go again with the 'if you don't agree with me and tell me i'm right, it's because you're a white feminist', waaah waaah waaah. no. someone is disagreeing with you because they disagree. it happens. get over it. and what the fuck does rape have to do with anything? the discussion is about benedict

No one is denying it. But he bears absolutely no responsibility nor should he be expected to give it all back or give it away to appease someone's misdirected anger.

so what? even if his grandfather was hitler, how is it his responsibility to apologise for the crimes of his ancestors before he even existed, even if he inherited money that was earned from committing horrible acts? this is absolutely ridiculous and if it were the case, we'd all spend our entire lives apologising for

seriously. why should i have to apologise for the sins of my ancestors? are you all really that stupid that you think he owes anyone anything because his great-great-great-grandfather had slaves? how many of you have parents who are assholes or criminals? should you go to jail for their crimes? of course not. i don't

my mom always told me that if barbie dolls were real, they wouldn't be able to stand up or hold their heads up because of their teeny tiny feet and other freakish proportions. so for as long as i can remember, i knew that barbie was in no way realistic or the way women were supposed to look. not that i cared anyway

i think i can say without a doubt that your sarcasm-meter is, indeed, broken beyond repair.

lol i love how you can just pretty much shorten 90% of the comments on jezebel to "because privilege". if she were working class and dismissing criticism, you'd say she was exercising white privilege even though she's poor. it's so fucking predictable, like a broken record. so what you're saying is, if anyone

When I think "tragedy", I think of St Judes, of genocide, of articles I read in the paper.