
this. there are some gay bars where i know i can go with my gay friends and feel welcome, and others where i won't. it's no different from lesbian bars. straight men face similar treatment in lesbian bars, and so do straight women sometimes.

seriously, you need to lighten up and realise that not everything out there is intended to offend or degrade women of colour.

and you the audience should maybe get an education instead of justifying your ignorance.

it's a sculpture by Allen Jones and he also makes pieces with white 'women'. Would you do your fucking research before posting crap that's only meant to incite faux outrage? You're stooping low, Jezebel. Unless tabloid "feminism" is what you're going for, in which case, you're doing a great job.

it's a sculpture by Allen Jones and he also makes pieces with white 'women'. Would you do your fucking research before posting crap that's only meant to incite faux outrage? You're stooping low, Jezebel. Unless tabloid "feminism" is what you're going for, in which case, you're doing a great job.

Perhaps posting that picture on MLK day wasn't the best idea because of course people love nothing more than an opportunity for knee-jerk offense and outrage rather than, you know, maybe doing their fucking research but my point is, the 'chair' isn't racist and neither is the picture. Allen Jones is also the artist

This. Rihanna didn't write the song, she just sang it on her album. Rihanna is a decent performer and dancer but she doesn't write songs or music, and she's overrated at best.

it's not that uncommon and the issue with exercise bulimia is that it very often goes unnoticed (and undiagnosed) because exercise is considered healthy and the person very often looks healthy too. Just off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 women I know who probably have this condition. Including one who is

it's called exercise bulimia and is recognised as a type of bulimia. do your research before talking out of your ass.

To decry The Wolf of Wall Street for "glorifying" misogyny is, quite frankly, to miss the fucking point.

This is one of those news stories that hit me particularly hard. I saw his picture every day in the subway for months and I hoped he'd be found. Poor little boy. I can only hope his death was some kind of accident and he didn't fall prey to a monster, and that the fact he was found will at least bring his family some

Like I said, I don't use the word (other than typing the title of the song, below). I agree with you for the most part but I also don't believe in censorship so while I don't use it, I don't think you can outlaw a word. Madonna using that word was stupid, not to mention pathetic that a grown ass 50-something woman is

not at all. I personally never use the word and like I said, Madonna deserves the flack she's getting for her instagram post even if - and this is just my opinion - Madonna is a notorious attention whore and will do anything for attention, including this, so like with anyone desperate for attention, the best thing to

i'm saying one more tired, wannabe 'cheeky' pun on blonde and blonde to sell beers isn't worth getting upset about. i'm saying, what's wrong with beautiful women? we've been muses, inspiration for art, music, decorative figures on buildings, fountains, playing cards, pinups, tattoos and yes, advertising ploys for

Sure, tired and uncreative but since when is creativity an obligation? Look, I get what you're saying and yes, the obvious double entendre between blonde beer and blonde women is tired and uncreative but how is that a 'problem'? But then I also have no problem with the female form being used to sell stuff unrelated to

I'm supposed to find these offensive? These labels would never stop me from trying any of these beers, and I'm a woman, a feminist, and a blonde too.

Don't you realise how irrational that is? If you can't tell the difference between madonna's Instagram post (very dumb) and Paltrow's... How about we encourage a little thinking as opposed to just stupid knee-jerk reactions any time a white person says certain words?

awful. why is she being praised for this outfit?

no, really, so now white people aren't allowed to tweet the name of a song? or make a reference to what was the most popular song on that album?

it's true. and i live in the neighbourhood and i know what the 'memorial' looked like - it wasn't pretty. it was a piece of metal railing with a bunch of papers stuck to it. and it was meant to be temporary. you see those everwhere when people die, and they're up for a few weeks, a month, and then they're taken down.