
whatevs. you still haven't shown me why you think this site is anti-child, which was the original question, which makes me think my initial opinion that your definition of 'anti-child' is anyone daring to suggest life without children could be complete.

As Whitney would say, show me the receipts! Where are the examples of jezebel being anti-child? My question has not been answered.

given the length of your post i'd say you care way more than i do. so i'll just ask you this; how is jezebel 'anti-child'?

Beyoncé Loves Blue Ivy's Hair, So What's It to You?

And neither should you. Just delete the message, block his ass and move on. Sorry so harsh but if getting dirty messages when doing online dating is upsetting you enough to consider therapy, you shouldn't be online dating and maybe you do need therapy to toughen you up a bit. Yes it sucks that women have to deal with

It's only weird if you let it get weird. I've done the online dating thing and figured out pretty quickly that you have to be ruthless.

LOL I think it was more the combination Evil Glare + hitting the back of my chair noisily that freaked the kid out. Not my proudest moment but I had to resort to scaring the kid after the parents proved to be assholes. After all, the kid wasn't kicking the back of their chair, just mine.

Cost of healthy food is one reason 'the game is rigged' but I would argue that it's not even the most important one. I'd say the lack of education regarding what constitutes healthy eating is a huge factor, as is time. It takes time to cook meals from scratch and if you're poor and working full time and have kids, you

If it were anywhere but a restaurant like Alinea you might have a point but the fact is, babies don't belong in restaurants with Michelin stars and your babysitter backing out sucks for you but shouldn't have to suck for the rest of the people at the restaurant and guess what: it's hard to enjoy your meal with a

So your 400 dolalrs is worth more than other people's? It's inconsiderate people like you that are the problem here. And I can only guess that if you do have kids, you'll be passing those lovely traits down to your children, who will grow up to be just as bad.

I live in Park Slope. For the most part kids are well-behaved but I remember having brunch once at a place that is a regular brunch place, serves alcohol, not a family type restaurant at all. And they have booth-type chairs and there was a kid behind me who kept constantly kicking the back of my chair. I turned around

or is branded 'anti-child'... can't wait for the defensive parents to come and stand up for the assholes who took their baby to Alinea. Yes, you love your kid. Guess what: the rest of the world doesn't have to and you should respect that some spaces aren't meant for them, and you should be smart enough and considerate

Right. Because by unilaterally declaring this site 'anti-child', what you wanted was a discussion? How is this site anti-child? It's not a parenting website but then it's not supposed to be either. But I have yet to see anything anti-child. I don't think reporting on a study is being anti-child. If they had written an

Everyone working in China endures horrible conditions, why single out the models?

are you serious? my cat would be a better mother than she is. ditto the plant currently dying in my office. bitch is crazy and should have had her uterus sewn shut about a gazillion children ago.

i think lupita looked amazing (the woman is simply gorgeous, doesn't matter what she wears) but i agree the dress was virtually the same as gwynnie's tom ford, which i absolutely loved so if you're going to copy a dress, it might as well be an awesome one. i know everyone hates gwyneth but she has style and she looked

4chan is made up of milliions of individuals, with every kind of interest represented, whether it's porn, anime, social commentary, etc. there is no dominant ideology, except maybe trying to shock and not taking anything seriously and being irreverent and provocative. this was posted as a joke, people.

I'm not telling anyone what to do, merely stating my opinion. Last I checked, refusing to watch something can be a pretty strong statement, and would bring down the number of viewers. If enough people are outraged, that sends a pretty strong signal. IMO people like to pick on Girls because they think that because it's

Amy's first black Stella McCartney dress was great. All the others she wore on stage were not. Tina got it all wrong, again. I love her but she needs to fire her stylist. That pageant hair she was sporting on stage was just terrible and so were all her dresses.

seriously. you need fit arms to pull off a strapless dress. and it has to fit you right in the boobs. 99% of women wearing strapless probably shouldn't. i don't understand this trend. why would you pick out the very style of dress that's going to make you look worse?