
sorry it chafes your ass but calling me judgemental won't make them literature as opposed to the popular fiction that they are. they're perfectly fine as escapism and junk food for the brain. it's ridiculous to expect them to be reviewed by literary publications or taken seriously as 'real' literature. that's just the

Thanks for the discussion, by the way. Read any good books lately? :)

Name one male writer whose readers are overwhelmingly male and who's as bad as Weiner and yet gets reviews in mainstream publications?

Are Brown's readers only men? No. If his readers were all men and he was getting reviews while Weiner, with her primarily female readership, isn't, I would say you have a point but like I said before, Brown is popular with everyone, man and woman. Whereas Weiner only appeals to some women, so is therefore more of a

well fluffy romance novels suck. and the fact that it's mostly women that read them doesn't make them suck less and it's not going to make me defend them out of some kind of misguided feminist guilt. fuck that shit. fluffy romance novels deserve to be overlooked and criticised. not that it matters anyway. women are

maybe as a guilty pleasure or something. the same way that ranch doritos and taco bell are a great guilty pleasure when you're drunk. I'm not gonna whine and cry because they don't get reviewed by serious food critics in important publications though.

Not all things 'female' are trite and silly. I kind of resent the fact that because I'm a woman, I'm supposed to like romance novels and pink and dream about my wedding dress. That shit is silly and I want nothing to do with it and that's why I want nothing to do with chick lit either. I'm a woman and I have no

I would argue that it's because of the sheer popularity of his books and the fact that they're read by both men and women and he covers (or massacres, really) some pretty 'universal' issues in his books like religion, art history, symbolism, etc. Stuff that appeals equally to both men and women. Whereas Weiner writes

she's demanding respect for her shitty books and thinks critics don't like her because she's a woman? puh-leeze. critics don't like her because her books are drivel. they're the literary equivalent of mindless rom-coms. you know who else gets shit on by critics? dan brown. last i heard, he has a penis and writes

she's not. she is clueless though and should rethink her stage costumes. she's older and had two kids and doesn't look like she used to, ergo she shouldn't dress like she used to either. she needs to fire her stylist or finally start listening to them, and get rid of the skimpy outfits she wore when she had a super

actually, it's short for 'leotard'.

a good dress should highlight your best features. if you've got fabulous arms, by all means go strapless/sleveless and show them off. if you've got a tiny waist, cinch that shit. but going for strapless because it's the style you love even though you don't have the arms to pull it off is just tragic. and it's not just

i didn't say looking good is better than being healthy. i was just being honest and admitting that i enjoyed looking good as much as i like being healthy, maybe even a little bit more even though i know that being healthy is more important. unlike people who pretend it's all about being healthy, i'm actually honest

this. also, even in black and white you can tell she's not a white woman so i don't think there's anything to the accusations of racism. and amy poehler is just as short and isn't model thin either, i'd say both she and mindy have not too dissimilar body types so there goes the 'they're discriminating against the

i drink whole milk and 2% milk. i only buy regular food products, nothing that's low fat or sugar free. diet products like low fat yogurt are a scam anyway and they're NOT healthy. regular yogurt isn't fattening or bad for you and the 0% fat variety is thickened with corn starch and other nasty shit, and filled with

of course eating red meat every day and a high fat diet are bad for you. but saying that everyone is advocating this tells me you haven't read all the comments and are greatly exaggerating your point because a lot of people have pointed out that moderation and portion control are key, not stuffing your face full of

so wanting to lose weight and fat shaming are synonymous now? what's wrong with wanting to lose weight to be healthy and to look good? look, i don't care what you look like and i'm not going to tell you what to eat or fat shame anyone but by the same token, it would be nice if people could respect the fact that hey,

i have a minor in anthropology and i avoid getting pissed off about the name by not caring about it. who cares if people are reading shit and thinking it's gospel? i know it's fad diet bullshit and that's really all that matters. it's no different than the so-called 'science' behind any other fad diet.

no way. as annoying as the juicers and paleo people are, it's nothing compared to the crossfit and running tards.

you can also do it without being a paleo nazi about it. i can't cut out dairy, life just isn't worth living without cheese and milk but i have them in small amounts. and my body tolerates them very well. as i do veggies and protein. legumes and carbs make me fat and they make me feel sluggish. when i cut them out (or