
That’s certainly a great scene, but for my money, Yondu’s funeral is that movie’s standout scene. Watched it after Stan Lee died, and the tears flew. “Fare thee well, old friend.”

Civil War is still my favorite Marvel movie, because the ultimate stakes are personal, not world ending. I think it’s RDJ’s best performance as Tony Stark.

I like the title. I think it helps encompass all of the movies, which is what JJ alluded to. I had such a great time at Celebration this weekend, and my Star Wars fandom is in hyperdrive right now.

I think it’s about the right length. There’s more depth to it than the commercials suggest.

Seriously can’t recommend Shazam! highly enough. It was a really great film.

Certainly a great moment, but for me, not quite as funny as “I need a horse!”

See Shazam! tonight! Can’t wait!

Hard to choose a best story out of the bunch. Probably “The Precedent” or King’s story. I didn’t enjoy the script for Denny O’Neil’s story, but I loved the job Steve Epting and Elizabeth Breitweiser did on art. Fantastic work!

Great episode. I love that the show can’t be pigeon-holed as whacky. That was a gut punch of an ending!


“Whatever it takes.” Chills.

I think the Russos are on record saying Carol will not kill/defeat Thanos. She’ll be a major power player for sure, but she won’t just mop up the mess for everyone.

Huge improvement, IMO. I’m sure my daughter will be excited to see it.

Overall, I thought it was a mid-grade Marvel movie. It really came alive after her origin sequence. Ultimately though, what I think doesn’t matter anywhere near as much as the fact that my wife and daughter loved it!

Not near the top of Marvel’s echelon, but still very entertaining (especially the back half). Brie Larson was great in the role. Most importantly, my wife and daughter thought it was fantastic!

I loved Bendis’ work on solo characters, but never could warm up to his vision for the Avengers. On the flip side, I’m loving his DC stuff -- he seems creatively revitalized!

Agreed. It’s interesting that we’ve never seen a Masters of Evil vs. Avengers style movie. Under Siege could be adapted into a really different, and kick ass, movie if done right.

Love Songbird. They hinted at their relationship in New Thunderbolts, but nothing ever came of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Songbird eventually in the MCU. Sooner or later, I bet they do a Thunderbolts movie.

David worked his magic with that relationship! No one writes the character better!

Genis’ two series were so damn good. Would love to see him back in a new role!