
Loved it! This show is firing on all cylinders! My prediction is that Diyoza isn’t the big bad for the season. I think instead it will be Octavia. She has lost it!

I was impressed with how good the finale was. I’d rather have a consistently great season, but these last two episodes were really good. I’m glad that Ralph survived... Looking forward to hopefully meeting Sue next year. I was also really happy to see Wally at the end for the party. Those are the types of things this

Last Stand (while still horrible) is better than Apocalypse. It at least made shocking story choices (even if it walked most of them back).

Mon-El as Mike was so great. It was nice to see the character smile and joke for a change.

Carl Lumbly is killing it week in and week out. Loved him on Alias and of course on Justice League and JLU!

I think the difference is that Supergirl’s enemies are often superpowered and could easily kill most of her friends. Guardian’s enemies are more street level, and I think James believes Alex, Winn, etc. could handle them if it came to it.

Yes. I am so ready for them to go to the MCU (assuming the Disney buyout goes through). I want a present-day team that actually follows the comics. No more of this decade jumping stuff. Apocalypse was terrible.

Yes, the series was great. Cable is actually one of my favorite characters, and Nicieza is probably his best writer.

Saw Deadpool 2 this weekend. For me, the parts where I was most invested in the title character were the more dramatic moments, not when he was trying to be funny. I think one of the reasons I appreciated Cable in the movie was that he found Wade annoying (which many characters in the comics typically do).

Wow! This was a genuinely good episode! I was surprised how much I liked it, especially given how terrible the Amunet episode was. Hopeful for tomorrow’s finale!

C+?! You’ve got to be kidding me!

Bruce will be out of town the weekend of the crossover.

Doesn’t matter. Sarah is the mack-daddy (momma?) of the Arrowverse! :-)

Awesome episode. It’s so encouraging that this season gets better with every episode! Henry Ian Cusick especially was incredible!

Yep. That’s definitely the one I found myself most often watching with my daughter. Pretty clever humor in it, too.

Loved Lena’s verbal smackdown at the end. Kara needs to accept the reality that not all kryptonians are benevolent and that kryptonite is needed sometimes. However, I guess it’s refreshing to see her be so wrong about something.

YES! While this season hasn’t been quite as good as S4, it’s still been pretty damn excellent. I’m also all for a shorter season as they’ll be less (hopefully no) filler!

Very reminiscent of “The Zeppo”. 

They touched on that a bit in the first issue. The different colored buttons are nodes that denote which team the characters are part of.

Awesome first issue! I was a bit hot and cold on Metal, but this was fantastic. Great last page twist, and jaw-droppingly beautiful art from Francis Manapul and Hi-Fi!