
Maybe it’s just me, but I find Trump saying he finds the Paralympics “hard to watch too much of” much more offensive than anything Michelle Wolf said at the WHCD.

If you’re talking about Angel going bad in Season 2, I don’t think the show ever shamed Buffy for sleeping with Angel. It was always intended as a metaphor for the guy that becomes a complete jerk. I can’t remember anyone ever telling her that it was wrong to sleep with Angel.

Which we honestly know very little about, and what we do know about it, came from his ex.

Thank you! That scene is always wildly misinterpreted. And honestly, so what if she is sad about not being able to have children? That doesn’t make her any less of a badass or any less valuable to the team. I am literally watching AoU right now, and she is of tremendous value to the team. Without her quick thinking,

Ha! I know, it would just be nice to see a tad more objectivity in this case. ;-)

A script is a starting place. A lot can change in between the script and the final product. Heck, look at the Oral History of Avengers that just came out. I’ve listened to a lot of Joss’ commentaries, and he always looks for things to change and make better when it’s go time.

You’re correct. Written and directed. Point is, he was the driving force behind the show’s most kick-ass moments!

Thank you! I agree completely! If you look at his work, it’s still fantastic!

Yep, because he definitely didn’t torture all of his characters, just the female ones. Oh wait, that’s actually incorrect. Every character on Buffy and Angel, male or female, was broken at one time or another. If his work really were as sexist as you and Cracked making it out to me, I doubt people would have made that

Is this a news article or an op-ed? I know it’s hip to hate on the guy now, but he is still responsible for entertainment that means so much to so many. Even if a script didn’t look great, I have faith the final product would have been.

I’d be shocked if Ralph is actually dead. Thinking something with his powers will allow him to reassert control or separate himself. They’ve put too much work into him to ditch him like that.

They are going full on “tail end of season 5 of Angel” on this show, and it’s pretty damn shocking! Yo Yo killing Ruby reminded me of Wesley shooting Knox in cold blood. Will be very interesting to see where things go from here.

The wrong question can completely suck the fun out of a panel. I was at the Dave Bautista/Sean Gunn panel at C2E2 a few weeks ago and that almost happened. Everyone is having a good time, both Dave and Sean are telling very funny stories, when a fan comes up to the mike and asks Bautista if WWE will ever “forgive and

That was awesome! Best display of an unexpected F bomb in a while!

I was surprised he didn’t pick a Bon Jovi song since he’s apparently a big fan.

This show is at its best when it’s just the characters hanging out, IMO. Those are always my favorite moments. It’s hardly ever the battle/action stuff.

One thing is for sure, Carl Lumbly and David Harewood are going to knock that storyline out of the park. Powerful stuff.

Good episode. I was suitably terrified and disgusted by that last scene. I really thought Diaz just wanted to make him feel that fear. Guess not.

I agree with Caitlin that Mission Impossible: Fallout looks incredible! I can’t wait. If I wasn’t such a huge superhero fan, it’d be the movie I’m most looking forward to this summer!

I find his attitude really refreshing actually. It’s nice to see someone actually own up to the fact that a lot of people actually enjoyed Rob’s work back in the day. Yes, it’s easy to pick apart and find the many flaws in his style, but you can do that with many artists. I still remember picking up New Mutants #98 (a