Spencer Straub

That's your opinion. I thought he did awesome work with his actors. Great work, including by Amy and Jesse.

Except he was heavily involved in developing the story and he was the one that cast Gal in the first place. You can also see a lot of his visual style in the final product. Nice try, though.

Disagree. I love both. Hopefully we'll get a mix of their styles. Still sad for what the Snyder family is going through and wish Zack could have completed the story on his own.

He literally says that's what he "heard". It's not stated as fact, but by all means let's report it that way. Second story today that seems designed to bring out Zack Snyder haters in full force.

I enjoyed MoS as is, but I agree that with a few changes in the third act, it'd be much less divisive.

Obviously I disagree, but to each their own…

Wow, the tone of this column is like throwing red meat to Zack Snyder haters, IMO, Zack's an amazing visualist. He has created so many iconic shots it's ridiculous. Drives me nuts when people say he's a "hack". You can not like his films, that's fine (although I do), but don't call him a "hack".

It looks good overall, but I hope it doesn't go too far in the winking, cute direction. The part in the second trailer where Loki and Thor play Ghostbusters looks a little much for me.

Are we sure this wasn't Ari Gold?

It's been a very solid series, IMO. The series, and Spencer, have certainly received a lot of flak, but several characters (Hawkeye, Hulk, The Thing) have had fantastic moments. I'm excited to see how it ends.

This is a solid book month in and month out. The fact that it's made me care about these characters is even more impressive given that I only really picked it up in the first place because Cannonball is one of my favorite X-Men.

Same, it introduced me to Robert Forster, who I love in just about anything. He is so great on Twin Peaks right now.

Agreed. You're not really supposed to root for Batman in BvS. The movie was all about how he'd fallen from grace. That's what he realizes in the Martha moment and the "Men are still good" speech. That's reflected in the fact that he doesn't brand Lex at the end.

The plan is at least to adapt Wizard in Glass though, right? That would be cool.

Yes, and it also fits the end of Luke's story much better. Melancholy was the appropriate tone for that ending.

Agreed on both counts.

I honestly don't mind the changes to ANH or ESB (the latter of which are kind of hard to find in the first place), but I really don't like a few of the changes to RotJ. The song in Jabba's palace is terrible (at the time I was like "What?!" and now I'm like "Argh!"), and Hayden Christianson appearing as the Force

That's because it's obvious to any fan of the books that that's where the material would thrive. It needs room to breathe that you just couldn't get from movies.

Exactly! I was convinced that was what was going to happen!

You're right. I'm now relieved!