Spencer Straub

Agreed. This is a private matter.

He can ruin a relationship and still be a feminist. He's not perfect, but none of us are.

Luke's speech to Danny was the worst. What that kid was doing was clearly wrong. There's no excuse for helping with something like that.

Yep, I think they're learning that lighthearted Danny is a better fit for him and the character. Loved his "Is that pork line?" line.

Thank you! People are way too hard on Danny. Personally, I loved him in Defenders.

Thank you! Dissolving dead bodies is not an issue of privilege! You should know that's wrong! That scene frustrated me!

I loved Danny storming the board room and the ensuing melee that followed. I liked Iron Fist better than most, but the character was sooo much better in Defenders. How awesome was it seeing him and Luke working together at the end of the episode?!

That scene with Sarah in the bar is one of the scariest, most shocking scenes I've ever seen on TV. Terrifying stuff! Lynch is working at the height of his powers right now.

Of course! It's a great tapestry!

Spot on. He's not perfect, but who is?

Yep, I don't think you have to be either a Stan guy or a Kirby guy. The bottom line is that Marvel's characters needed both of them to be as great as they turned out.

Stan is like any of us, human. He's not perfect, but he's not some evil villain either.

"trouble makers"… code language if I've ever heard it.

My blood is boiling watching this. I hate his snide little comments to the press. Asshole!

"And I wanted to make sure before I made a statement, that the statement was correct." Who is he kidding?!

Ha! Will get right on that! 😜

They weren't prompted to compliment him, FFS. All of the people that work with Zack say he's great.

Alfred had some great lines in the film as well.

You know that how exactly?Did you work on the film? Gal and Patty talked many times about his contributions in the build-up to release.

I enjoyed all three, and I'm not alone. Almost like art is subjective and neither you nor I are the definitive authority on these films.