Spencer Straub

Lynch is the best at creating tension out of everyday situations. I kept waiting for something to happen while Sarah was drinking and watching the boxing match, and of course, nothing did. Same with Big Ed at the end — I was convinced that the Mountain Men were going to appear, and again, nothing.

Another reason Marvel supported Spidey is because they still got the toy and merchandising money from those Sony movies.

You tell 'em, Hickman! Man do I miss the FF!

I think "Ah, Jeez" is exactly what I said when I saw this. Sucky news.

It's honestly about as close as they could get. I'm a huge Cable fan and feel like they've done his look and attitude justice.

This is awesome! Cable is one of my all-time favorite X-Men (and Marvel characters, period), and I'm really impressed by how great Brolin looks in the part. Hopefully they also show how awesome he is and don't just make him the butt of Deadpool's jokes. The Cable/Deadpool series walked that line perfectly, so here's

Well, Milo was actually an actor, so that might have something to do with it. Still, RIP Sage Stallone.

He and Milo were really great together in "Rocky Balboa" so I see this working.

Bingo. My thought exactly!

Kite Man. Hell yeah.

Solid work!

Great war movie (the best I've seen in a long time). Actually, great movie, period.

Except he's right. Superman literally has to learn to turn it off or he wouldn't be able to function. You think people don't get hurt or die when Superman sleeps or hangs out at the Daily Planet? He has to choose when and when not to get involved!

Legends and Arrow were tied for me last year. Both had incredible turnarounds!

I had really come around to Julian by the end of the season. I thought he and Caitlin had good chemistry as well. Oh well, new season means new boyfriend for Caitlin I guess.

10 years on one show is a long time. I wouldn't blame him for taking a much-deserved break.

Happy for Tom! He was great on Smallville!

Momoa's entrance today was epic! He had the crowd eating out of his hand! Definitely worth watching on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/wat…

How great was it when The Doctor knocked out that racist jerk after talking about staying dispassionate. That was brilliant!

Completely agree. The boy was already lost. Letting the screwdriver go means more lives lost in the future.