Spencer Straub

Just part of the "slam the DCEU at every possible moment" plan.

The extended version of BvS is really good. Resolves a lot of the issues that people had with the theatrical cut. There are huge pieces of context that were cut for the theatrical trailer that are just baffling.

I agree!

Arrow has made a tremendous comeback this season. IMO, it's hard to compare that show with Legends since they are so different. However, they both do what they do very effectively.

Maybe they picked him up before he and Barry had the talk about not killing anymore.

Completely agree. The reviewer is judging by what she wanted, not by the quality of what she got!

I could see you being right, but I hope you're wrong :-)

Totally agree. The reviewer's off-base when she says Amaya's been underdeveloped. Couldn't disagree more.

I agree re Mick. It would be way out of character for him to go on some long speech about how he's changed. Better to just show it!

This was an overly harsh review. Just because it wasn't "The Wish" doesn't mean it wasn't a very enjoyable hour of TV.

Mick: "I'm an idiot."
Nate: "This may be my scars talking, but I sense you're telling the truth."

A "C", really? This was a good episode and strong introduction of Abra Kadabra into the rogues gallery. Best new villain The Flash has had in a long time!

I think he wanted Kallus to have to watch the Rebels defeat. Definitely backfired on him, though.

Funny that the review calls "Running Home to You" a clunker… that was by far my wife's favorite song in show! :-)

I'd bet good money that Teri and Dean asked not to interact. I don't think they're each other's biggest fan :-)

Awesome episode! This show has improved so much it's ridiculous!

For the first time in a while, I loved Barry in this episode! Loved how much fun he was having at times!

I was pleasantly surprised that they kept Thrawn alive. I guess he's the perfect villain for this show since he's not beholden to any movie appearances. Great finale!

Love the Dark Knight trilogy, but Bale was far from perfect as Bruce Wayne/Batman (that growl!). Affleck was fantastic, IMO. Also love Jeremy Irons as Alfred.

My reads so far: