Spencer Straub

He's not really "her" Scott, though. To me at least, having her go bad again is interesting, because you'd think a number of X-Men and former students will be shook by the development and want to help her see the light. Kind of like an updating of the original Xavier/Magneto conflict. I'll confess though that I'm not

Another reviewer that seemed to have their mind made up about this show before ever watching it.

I actually really enjoyed AvX. There was some good character work throughout and I welcome Emma's return to villainy. I'm pretty intrigued by Soule's Astonishing X-Men (remove Fantomex, and it's basically a perfect lineup), but I'm still mad at him for killing Cyclops and Madrox — two of my all-time favorite mutants!

Another really good episode. I continue to think the reviews here are overly harsh.

Awesome episode from start to finish. Just extremely well done.

That's actually pretty fantastic casting.

Proud of him. Took courage to be open and honest about it.

Stein and Mick's distraction alone earns it an A.

Just doing my job 😎

Or take out all of her teeth to get rich from the tooth fairy! :-)

Public Service Announcement: Batman the Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series are both on Amazon Prime in their entirety.

It was a complicated and messy situation, no question. The whole thing gets harder to analyze/process as part of a fantasy show because what he attempts doesn't seem to come from a vampire/evil place as much as it does from a human place of hurt, rejection, and desperation (which is no defense and kind of makes the

Teen Titans Go! is a supervised show for us. She's 6, so I think some of the nuance and sarcasm goes over her head. I don't want her modeling a lot of behavior in that show! :-)

PJ Masks is pretty fun. No problems with my daughter watching that.

Right now, Kate and Mim-Mim rules our house, for good or bad. I've tried to get Troll Hunters going with her, but conflict in shows is still something she's struggling with. I'm going to try to talk her into Tumble Leaf :-)

That post-credits scene left me so excited!

Kong: Skull Island. Really good monster movie with a great cast. Appreciated how it was different than previous Kongs.

Watched this episode for the first time in years last night as part of the 20th anniversary celebration, and damn if it doesn't still hold up extraordinarily well. Just a great hour of TV from start to finish. One thing that struck me was just how likable Buffy was. You really rooted for her! Such a contrast to later

I did like that scene in the Angel episode where we saw a First Evil disciple try to kill Faith though. That was a pretty cool piece of connective tissue.

For all the gripes about Season 7, one thing I always loved was how SMG had a cold or was super horse in the third to last episode. I thought that added such emotional weight to everything Buffy was going through. Like she was truly just exhausted.