I would have loved a two hour finale. To this day, I still think the finale would be much better remembered if they had a second hour that was all about fallout from the battle and what to do next.
I would have loved a two hour finale. To this day, I still think the finale would be much better remembered if they had a second hour that was all about fallout from the battle and what to do next.
Yeah, but that does lead to the awesome "I want you to get out of my face!" moment in Chosen.
I always took it as Joss finding work for his friend Nathan Fillion after Firefly was cancelled.
That moment where all of the series' villains speak was awesome. I remember being so pumped for Season 7!
I think I read somewhere that at some point the plan was for the First to take physical form. That would have made her more of a tangible threat, no pun intended. We'd also have some confidence that it was actually defeated in the end vs. whatever happened at the end of Chosen.
I meant no one calls Xander out for the fact that people died because of his summoning Sweet. Giles ripped him to shreds in season 2 for the love spell. It also would have been nice to see Xander show some real regret and not just have it played for laughs.
Agreed. Warren was absolutely one of the most evil villains the show ever had. Just terrible.
Just watched OMWF last night, and Tara's first song is so sad when you take into account that she's basically being mind controlled.
Always loved how Joss squashed the Magic=Drugs thing within moments of Season 7 starting. It was so ill advised.
Love "Lie to Me".
That's really the only flaw in Once More with Feeling. There were no consequences from his summoning of Sweet. People died because of his anxiety over a wedding.
They definitely took the "let's make our main character unlikable" to the absolute brink towards the end of Season 7. There are a few episodes where I was like "Joss, why are you making me hate your main character?!" Thankfully, they had her pull out of it just in time for the finale.
Watched four episodes last night — OMWF, Band Candy, The Gift, and Passion. It felt great to reconnect with these characters!
Is that all you're basing it off of? That seems like a pretty big leap.
Agreed. She didn't have a lot of personality in Season 4 by design. I agree she got much better in Season 5 and especially Season 6.
Very nice Bojack reference!
That just might be the best interview of the week. So much fun to read and so much thought put into her answers! I was never the hugest Tara fan, but Amber is amazing. Also, this cracked me up:
Can't say he's wrong, but I do love the bit at the end — "Release it however you want. Bye!" Classic Joss.
Who was he in GotG?
Yep, he's number 1 on my list of favorite Buffyverse characters, but if I have to limit it strictly to just time on Buffy, then he's not in the top five :-)