Spencer Straub

I was hoping for Joss, actually. SMG would have been awesome. She shows a lot of pride in her Buffy days on her social media outlets.

I would love an interview with Denisof. Wesley is one of the best Buffyverse characters ever. Mostly for his time on Angel, but still :-)

This interview was fantastic! I love his thoughtful and witty answers. Very happy for his success!

Seeing X-Men Evolution on here is certainly interesting given that it was actually Kitty's portrayal in the X-Men comics that influenced Joss' creation of Buffy in the first place. Ka is a wheel I suppose.

Every week should be Buffy week.

Yes! That was an incredible accomplishment. I think getting Spike away from all of the Buffy stuff was such a good call. It was also cool to see him doing the right thing because it was the right thing — not just to impress a woman or because he's developed some affection for her friends. I loved when he officially

"Are you all incredibly stoned?"


That was funny. Xander and Spike made a great odd couple!

"Fool for Love". Even with my conflicted Spike feelings, it's one of my top five favorite episodes of the show!

That was a great scene!

"Spike was evil, and I think a lot of people forgot about that. Joss was
constantly trying to remind the audience, 'Look, guys, I know he’s charming,
but he’s evil'.”

Can't wait to read this in full! He was awesome to meet at a Wizard World a few years ago. His line hadn't officially opened yet, so my wife and I had a good twenty minutes to talk with him. Very engaging and friendly. We also got a really cool photo out of it.

Hard to ask for a better legacy than Veronica Mars.

Makes sense. They're related after all.

There will be a trailer with Guardians.

Yep, it's definitely in my top 5.

I'd put Passion near the top of my favorite episodes. That is just a fantastic hour of television.

Plus, the vampire at the end is the perfect metaphor for how life just goes on and doesn't really care about any trauma you've gone through. That part of it definitely hit home!

He's 100% right that "Beer Bad" is one of Buffy's worst!