Great interview!
Great interview!
I like 3 and 4 quite a bit, especially 4!
Just chiming in to say I agree with everything you just said. Also, I am just so happy Oliver and Felicity are just friends/coworkers. I have enjoyed this season so much more than the last two, and I think that's a primary reason.
I kept expecting her to get fired too. I love Thea, but she is out of control!
No payoff?! Um… Arkadia was destroyed. Seems like a payoff to me.
"Whatever confusion there was about who won — Matt Damon lost." Ha! Love it!
That's one of the reasons why I loved Captain American: Civil War. Ultimately, the stakes of that movie are very personal.
I met Chloe at C2E2 and Elizabeth at a Wizard World Con and they were both incredibly charming in different ways.
That was standout work on her part. So well done!
Loved Daisy as Sarah Connor. That was my favorite moment of the season!
Even more than a season standout, it's a series standout!
Doesn't have to be a competition. They are both awesome!
My crush on her is minor. I reserve my major crush for Chloe Bennet! ;-)
This was an awesome episode. Daisy vs. LMD Mace was so fantastic! Love how she channeled Sarah Connor in that scene. A+
One thing that I enjoyed in this episode was how genuinely shocked Julian looked when Caitlin asked him out. That kind of "Wait, THIS girl wants to go out with ME?!" reaction is something you don't usually see on CW shows where everyone is typically very good looking. I imagine that's the reaction a lot of guys would…
Agreed. My friend was very relieved that no dogs were killed this time around. I did like that this one touched on the idea that John can't let things go. The idea that he's addicted to revenge is pretty interesting.
No way! Reeves is Wick!
The way he moves in the movie is so intense. It really helps you believe in the films' altered reality.
Yes! As much as I love John, I think my favorite parts of both movies are when people talk about him. That opening monologue in Chapter 2 was ridiculously entertaining!