Spencer Lee Street

We actually talked about it at supper, tonight. Basically, she’s disappointed that every time the movement picks up steam, there’s a contingent that is more willing to take a position of grievance against their fellow sisters than they are to build a greater strength through unity, even if it means sacrificing a

Yeah, Farrakhan isn’t like “Israel is bad.” he’s like “Jews are making the frogs gay.” It should be pretty easy to renounce.

But this whole discussion is a really timely wake-up call that this site is no longer productive, at least for an Old like me. There’s always been disagreement and even vitriol, but rarely at this level of just plain dumb. I’ve learned so much here over the years, but there’s a newer lack of willingness to

I’min the US, I understood the context, you are still right that it isn’t funny And isn’t good satire and why. 

Ugh, you know what? You’re right. This is a Jezebel problem and a me problem. After being here since the beginning, and really trying to appreciate it even after the big exodus a few years ago of the more interesting contributors and commentors, it’s an uphill battle against the mediocrity.
This is a really stupid

Holy fuckin’ shit!

That’s not a close second though. Deadspin was hilarious all around, Gawker commenters were 50/50 funny/whiners. 

Just read the whole thing. Sweet and sour Jesus, that is some all-time bad writing. 

Having never heard of any of these shitty people, I look forward to never having to hear about them again.

They got into a mode where they had one of the sponsors pay off the mortgage. So while property taxes went up, for many (most? all?) of them, their mortgage payment went away. So the net should have been a drop in monthly obligation.

Are home owners going to continue to lose their homes after the makeovers because they can’t afford the property taxes just like before?

I thought they canceled the show because the realized all these people were losing their homes, either because the renovations caused their taxes to jump so they couldn’t afford them, or else they would take out mortgages against them and fall behind on the payments all lose them that way?

And it was all concocted as an attempt to own the libs over the shutdown. They bumped the visit up by four months so Trump “had” to serve them fast food and even “paid for it himself.” (For what’s it’s worth, I would believe the moon-landing was faked before I believe Trump paid for anyone’s meal he wasn’t trying to

I think he might be the world’s tackiest human (?) being.

That picture looks like a joke from a bad movie about a kid who became rich.

Fuck off, troll.

Spencer didn’t beat Kouriamova because she was racist; he did it because she was a woman and he’s a violent misogynist. Since misogyny is the recruitment ground for the current white supremacist movement, it’d be nice if people would stop giving garbage like Spencer a pass on it because they hit the right woman.

Who wants to fuck someone with egg salad breath?!?

And, of course, the VAST majority of those drugs come in through legal points of entry.

I think he’s failing at saying 300 die from overdose per week and 90% of the drugs come from Mexico through the border.