Spencer Lee Street

IMO, the problem with this “satire” (besides its egoticism and leadfooted artlessness) is that it’s so unnecessary. It’s a waste of bandwidth. I seriously doubt any regular reader of Jezebel needs to have it pointed out to them that Rosenberg’s premise is stupid.


<no words>


Let’s also check in on how those families managed to pay the property taxes on their luxe new homes and how the actual resale value of a McMansion sorta depends on the adjacent properties. My memory of this stupid show was they were putting ostensibly 400K homes in neighborhoods where the average home value was more

I am the World’s worst detective. (Enjoy your posts though. Thanks!)

Yeahhh... sorta kinda... but the club owner needs to be concerned about his or her employees and any other comic who may be on the bill that night (rarely is it just one), so in the case of Louis CK, I think there’s a case to be made for deciding you don’t want him in your house. In this case, the audiences were not

A woman so fragile she decompensates upon hearing a drunken stranger’s off-key rendition of a pop song should avoid karaoke bars.

Sing what you want to sing, but don’t be surprised if you catch shit for it. (Not from me... I couldn’t care less.)

Well, he says he’s paying for it, but don’t be surprised in a few months to hear the owners of those local fast food franchises are still waiting for a check.

You’re correct. 15,000/52 = 288, and they rounded up to 300, but...

How much of the increase in US suicide rate can be attributed to his presidency?

Not even that...

[T]he value of all drugs seized by the average agent has fallen by 70 percent since FY 2013. Without marijuana coming in between ports of entry [with increasing legalization of marijuana in the US], drug smuggling activity now primarily occurs at ports of entry, where a border wall would have no effect. In FY 2018,

Somewhat to your point:


In his own scrambled eggs, just like John Updike.

National Inseminator