Spencer Lee Street

The best part of this story is Twitter’s response.: “uh... OK.” And they just let her stand out there in the cold. The fun prop bet is what time she’ll chuck it all and go home. I hope she’s lost her handcuff key. I hope stray dogs come by and pee on her.

I waste no time or energy not believing in God. It’s the most efficient faith-state.

Takes time to find it.

Oh, like it was the first time, sure.

Hey! My chipped cat went missing a few months ago, and he didn’t have a collar on because he will not wear one. He will scratch his neck raw trying to get get free of it. So get the “stray” scanned for a chip.

<misread your post; was going to recommend King of Hearts; then i realized you didn't mean mental health in that sense>

“Drawing is the probity of art.”

Or a Benjamin air rifle.

A friend of mine’s husband had bariatric surgery a couple of years ago. He has lost a lot of weight, but she says he farts like a motherfucker all the damn time. She’s just about fixin’ to call a lawyer.


See also, maybe, Chapter 30 (“Letter to John Kite”) How To Be Famous by Caitlin Moran...

The shingles vaccine is a different vaccine. 

It’s one of the human herpesviruses (HHV-3). And as with the herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2), once it’s in you, it’s there for life.

Depraved Indifference could net a 2nd degree murder conviction, in my state (NC) at least. A conviction can put a drunk driver away for 15 years.

I assumed full responsibility for my 95 y.o. mother when her health began to fail about a year ago. Moved her in with my wife and me. Once my siblings realized I would do whatever had to be done, they decided there was nothing more they “needed” to do. And that’s what they did: nothing. She died in early September. I

Apparently not in Ireland.

No real examples to share because I delete all texts immediately after reading, but a family crisis in recent months necessitated quite a few group texts to share information family wide, and a surprising number of people in my family accidentally texted back to ALL when they thought they were just texting to me.