Less cholesterol and better for the environment, for me. (Especially given the “accidental” fires in the Amazon at the moment, the desire to reduce my beef intake and limit the incentive to clear-cut more forest is especially on my mind recently.)
Less cholesterol and better for the environment, for me. (Especially given the “accidental” fires in the Amazon at the moment, the desire to reduce my beef intake and limit the incentive to clear-cut more forest is especially on my mind recently.)
I’d like to see stats on stop sign runners, too. I ride with my son (he’s 7) to school in the mornings, along a pretty remote road to a dedicated bike and walking trail. We’re only share the road with cars for 0.4 miles, and the other day some asshat ran a stop sign - while we were in the intersection. Had we been…
Oh God, our next generation is going to be influenced by youtubers and it’s going to be terrible.
I know dating apps are bleak, I’ve never managed to use one for more than a day before I just nope out in an anxious fit. But youthful types such as yourself might not know that it was ALWAYS bleak. Before apps, before websites, we had ooh lets see... personal ads in the back pages of the newspaper. hotlines. speed…
Worse, they wear Tap Out wife beaters.
when i see those wheels i have a fairly good idea that whoever owns them has no interest in off roading and that they probably overuse the phrase “bad-ass!”
Probably a Houstonian in a rental.
Friend I’m worried about you.
Don’t give them ideas, you dummie!
When your brand identity is dominated by styling that looks like it was focus grouped at Trump rallies, your brand identity needs some reflection and self-examination. I swear to God, somewhere in the focus-group verbatims you’ll find some comments about how having a giant-ass grille in someone’s hybrid’s rearview and…
They look like this because the kinds of people who tend to buy big-honkin- trucks... and no I don’t mean everyone- aka, people who actually use them for work- but rather those guys...
People who post pictures and videos in order to mock others are assholes who deserve shunning.
As a resident of Houston, I approve this message.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already visited Wakanda—maybe two or three times during Black Panther’s…
Everybody laughs at farts. If they don’t, they need to reevaluate the meaning of joy. Farts are funny, and farts are…
. The home was big, it was close to my in-game office
GTA Online is still a thing?