
My Houston commute is Montrose to east downtown. I speed everywhere on our freeways. Here’s why: The passing lane is for passing, it’s a ticketable (and potentially profitable) offense. Dozens of times on any trip anywhere around here, people are rotting in the passing lane while they’re texting, or whatever. This

Iisn't the lease bubble going to pop soon?

America, you have a pick up problem. 

My best friend does that with his little shit dog. 

Iit's like 12 yr old high school shop students designed a truck. Or, all those d-bags that have visible tattoos. 

Iidiots buy pickups. America is full of idiots.  

But how does this end up a “news” story? I would do this and want no recognition. 

You don’t get to use a word like ‘beneficence’ if you can’t even spell check ‘of the Corsican cape'.

Oh, good. Half million more bits of trash in the ocean. Thanks, single use plastic. 

I did buy one of those, and it wouldn't get all the air out. I tried every troubleshooting approach, did not work. Returned it. 

I did buy one of those, and it wouldn't get all the air out. I tried every troubleshooting approach, did not work.

I see no problem with this . 

Pfft. Whatever. We have Starbuck's across the street from each other in Houston. Followers. 

I guess "splitting in half" is the clickbait-iest way to put it. 

I thought it said "recipe". 

“Gotta dodge around these texters.”

Please hire a proofreader.

I don’t believe that one bit. They’re pissed they can’t figure out his “motive”.

I bought one of these and found that it wouldn’t get all the air out, which made it useless to me. I tried everything. Sent it back.

I bought one of these and found that it wouldn’t get all the air out, which made it useless to me. I tried

A cop WILL pull you over for passing him. It’s happened to me. I just didn’t whine about it on the internet. Poor widdle white guy. Gettin picked on.

You’re right. Not every, but a lot.