
People want to see how it ends. If you don't like the show and don't care, this is not the place for you. Go browse Reddit or something.

This happens to some children as they hit puberty. She'll likely grow out of it in two years. Puberty is awful enough. Puberty in front of a camera must be horrendous.

Vic is pretty busy playing Nacho on Better Call Saul right now.

It was really good. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

Also the shoddy shenanigans with the surveillance camera and the poison. He didn't react with outrage over someone trying to kill his prisoner.

Does anyone else think that Varga 'owns' the sherrif which is why he's such a creep?

I get it that Varga wants to appear working class to 'divert the oncoming horde of proletariat with pitchforks'. However, I think he could still pull that off if he got dentures. Go to the dentist you gangrenous dirtbag!!!!

I love how Jimmy hard sells how much he looks like Kevin Kostner. It's like he read some of the online jabs about him being a discount Kevin Kostner. Love the writers of this show.

Earlier we see Mr. Wednesday throw Shadow's cell phone and the burner phone out the window. He also insists Shadow stay off highways. He knows the new gods are spying on him.

I believe that was Media's eye. I think she can see through all cameras and televisions. The new gods are spying on Odin.

All the Departed have been transported to Hawley universes

That business with Ernesto was a set up. He deliberately left the recorder on so Ernesto would hear Jimmy's voice. Then he dramatically lectured Ernesto about how bad it would be if he said anything (planting the idea that what he heard was important and somebody would be interested in knowing about it). This

I pointed it out to my bf right away too. Look! Octavia is Aragorn. Right down to the horse! Just in case you all didn't get it, Octavia is a hero, just like Aragorn…as subtle as the sharp pointy object being stabbed into our hero….

Yes. It was my point of view. It also seemed to be shared by a huge number of people commenting on it. Based on last night's episode it seems we interpreted the intent of the writers correctly. The fact that you read something negative in my reply to you is your response. I was not attacking you. I was just answering

I was replying to your comment that you really, really don't get it. I explained what other people see. It's you engaging in insults and trash talking a stranger. Maybe if you don't want to hear another person's pov then don't make statements like 'I really, really don't get it' and then be rude and insulting when

In that episode she tells him he has to stop. No perdon had ever made that kind of ultimatum because a spouse drank too much only one time. That kind of a talk happens after repeated times. The audience is left to infer this, rather than being beaten over the head with a montages of Jack's drinking. Most of the

Um, I think you might be being a bit harsh on middle age housewives. I am middle aged and have lots of middle aged friends. None of them, housewives or career women, would find the behaviour of these men desirable.

It's kind of interesting that this show portrays the idealized husband as a functional alcoholic.

It's amazing how much you remember a person from the first role you liked them in. I will compare all his roles to Peter ;)

I may be a bad person but when Toby collapsed on the table I thought, man, please let that be a DVT. I just find Toby to be creepy in that not too surprising serial killer way…I was really sad that the 'surprise' was that he proposed…