
Right here. Season 1 of Heroes was great. I mean a sexy nurse with super powers…. So much cuter than the facial hair he is rocking now.

He's Sean Bean for the small

I am betting they show that Lindsay was molested as a child. She has a lot of the symptoms. Self-destructive, unable to love, hypersexulaized, very low self-efficacy, violent, low self-confidence… I think she is 'the worst' because she is the most damaged.

I just watched this on Netflix last night. It is Road level bleak. But at least there was no baby cannibalism. So, that's something I guess…

Yeah but poor paralyzed Bran has the same problem as Theon. He is unfit to rule because he could not produce heirs…

Nah, Sansa sewed them when she made her new dress and John's cloak.

Well, that was entirely disappointing. I was really hoping that the last episode would not focus on Peter (who really cared if he went to prison?) and would have Alicia figure out what to do with her life. I had hoped she would say no to Peter AND to Jason and say yes to a new firm, renewing her relationship with

I was more than half expecting that dragon to breathe fire on Tyrion and for him not to burn, revealing our third Targaryen/dragon rider (Dany, John, Tyrion)

I am Canadian. My boyfriend and I laughed about violent Canadian Nationalists until tears were coming out of our eyes. This was one of the funniest depictions of Canadians I have ever seen.

There are some shows that are always on the frustrating verge of being good. You hang in there thinking one day it will pay off and reward you for your patience. And nope, you just get another sad trombone…whamp waaah!

Well they clearly showed that Monty was a stoner on the ark. Escaping terrible parents seems to be a very plausible reason for that life choice.

Yeah especially since Jaha doesn't seem to care that he cannot remember his son.

Honestly I don't give a floating frack whether they 'redeem' him or not. The character is ruined. Would have been more satisfying if Kane had just mowed him down. The needs of the many so outweighed the needs of that particular one.

I agree location makes a big difference. I grew up in a large city and went to a 3000+ person sized high school and a 35 000+ person Uni. And I live in a very tolerant country. As to Bowie, I looked for the link for you but couldn't find it. Bowie did an interview saying that he was always a secret heterosexual and

Eh. I was in highschool in the early 80s. It was considered sheik to be bisexual. Lots of people would claim they were even if they weren't. The running joke was that it doubled the chances of a date on Saturday night. Interestingly, David Bowie, who really fuelled this movement, said the thing he regretted most was

In terms of missing people on this show, can anyone please tell me what happened to Diane's husband?

So, Bellamy's body count is hovering around 1000 now. He shot Jaha. Then there were the people who died on the ark ship, the people at Mount Weather, Lexa's army, and of course the multiple grounders he's killed in various clashes. As a comparison they were going to carve Finn up for 18 deaths. How are we supposed to

I created an account just to tell you how much this made me laugh :) …maybe we should abandon our new car full of gas…LOL because they forgot Darrell doesn't *have* to drive a motorcycle