
Shut up, Eileen

Poor old Ouija board,
Went to a million sleepovers
You let us speak unto the dead
Our friends all screamed,
Played along, who'd blame them.

The psychic then went on to say that adolescents should also avoid falling asleep beneath an alder tree if there is moss growing on the eastern side of the trunk, as it is most likely possessed by fell spirits which will work many a woe upon the unfortunate knaves.

oh spooky eileen

Ouija boards can lead to your kids becoming gullible. In the most dire cases, people who played with Ouija boards as children grow up to be adult psychics (or adults who go to psychics.)

My favorite cake ever was my wedding cake from this summer.

Wow. I bet he is furious we know his actual age.

They are an elite military unit. My father even penned them a marching song (I wish I could sing it for you all):

Holy shit that is an enormous Corgi with a most excellent neck scruff. He appears to dwarf even my husband's late lamented asshole Corgi Martin. (Sixteen Maples Something Something Martin.)

She should get in touch with my parents who have, like, a million corgis (I'm not kidding, corgi puppies are addictive and my mother has a problem) and have maintained a "Corgi Corps" since I was a kid.

My mom tried to excuse good ol boy DW's actions. This is a woman is obviously Hispanic and dark skinned. A woman who has faced discrimination. A woman whose own sons were subjected to discrimination by police and have to worry about whether the cop approaching the door is going to mistake a simple gesture for a

As one of the few adults that honked in solidarity with the kids as I was blocked on Broadway this morning, I would also like to mention there were a tremendous amount of signs promoting feminism/gender equality/equal pay/etc in addition to Mike Brown/Eric Garner/Tamir Rice.

Dammit Jez I am PMSing hard and the youths coming together for something that actually MATTERS is making me all teary in public.

Most of my impression of the debate about this is based on internet comments, but from what I can tell most of the people who refuse to see the racial aspect of this are engaging in victim-blaming. They're all convinced that if the victims had behaved differently, the outcome would have been different. This is

Shorter version: Way too many white people are privileged ignorant unempathetic assholes.

I got into it HEAVY with my similar dad about this.

" intimidated by black men's bodies"

Are these the same people who are sampled for Family Feud? Because both surveys seem to take a large swath of their respondents from the 1950s.