
“Why the fuck is it Doom getting sold a day early and not Animal Crossing.”

IDK, getting someone arrested for something that isn’t illegal just to make them go away is pretty much the definition of treating someone like an object?

The difference is that she is getting paid to be inconvenienced while everyone else paid for the pleasure.

If you don’t want to deal with annoyed customers, don’t take a job where your primary duty is dealing with customers in an industry where they are often annoyed.

No, this is like going to your job as a flight attendant, being delayed - as is common in your job, and dealing with people making shit jokes as part of your job. Because it’s your job.

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

I don’t even see zonular on the board in that final picture...

There are a million reasons to despise the police, but when a person calls the cops, the cops have to respond, even if the caller is moron.

You say an unspecified controller, but use a picture of the DS4? A bit of a douche thing to do.

...they do?

From what I hear, its going to become “Complete the Prestige Nightfall” instead.

And yet cheated on his wife.

I used to be like you. Back in D1, I pledged to Dead Orbit for the exact same reason.

Not quite... They want to abandon Earth and the Traveler. Look how well that one turned out for the Awoken, and, depending on what theories you subscribe to, The Nine.

FWC’s philosophy is basically: “WE TOLD YOU THIS SHIT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!” (Literally. They predicted the Cabal would invade the City, and they were

Press Sneak Fuck doing work. Here’s hoping they don’t have to reboot the DLC significantly in a week due to player complaints.

I think the line is crossed when it goes from “hey play pacifist first time through or else you get locked out of the best ending” to “UM EXCUSE I’M NOT WATCHING THIS BECAUSE HE’S NOT DOING PACIFIST.” The first is advice; the second is demanding.

I think the best possible light of any game is killing everything that moves.

Do they not see the irony that their actions did infinitely more to paint the game in a negative light than any streamer could?

The “wrong idea”, or the “not the same idea as theirs” of what it is?

You can’t “misrepresent” a game that is designed to be played that way. You can play it multiple ways. The genocide route is one perfectly valid path. Take it up with the game’s creators if you have a problem with that, not the players.

It’s a shame that something like Undertale doesn’t get to be evaluated on its own merits and has to be conflated with its very reactionary fandom. And its fandom has no one to blame but itself for letting things get to this point.