
Yeah this is pathetic. It should be based on percentage profit. Other countries do this and it holds companies accountable without setting ridic precedents for smaller companies that bankrupt them.

in-game “joke” from the suit’s AI that went, “I’ve heard that Captain Shepard is a woman, but I wouldn’t want to check it.”

Nope fuck this homophobic game and the homophobic devs.

Yep this is quite a dumb bullshit excuse. Its not primarily a pvp game. And if you want to keep economies in check have a seperate mode for that. >.>

40 hours for an RPG is not bad at all imo. I am loving the game so far. But jeez i really don’t want these games shorter than 40 hours. Not a fan of complaints like this when on other boards people are saying its too short. I mean Persona 5 is an example of too long and Royal bloated that. But jeez when media

Nah fuck off with that argument with a cosmetic purchase having game mechanics in them.

I sure as hell hope so

Ok i will say if they come with Artes and thats the only way to get them then they can fuck right off. I dont want shitty swimwear or school outfit fan service. I only got the premium outfit pack cause the monster hunter like outfits were cool looking and fit in better. This kinda pisses me off though.

Seems like?”


Those only worked until March this year i believe, most pokemon codes do have expirations.

Can we get articles and media giving the Pokemon company backlash for using that shitty Trainer Club email system that hasn’t been giving out emails to the majority of people signed up despite having the correct settings checked. Many were pissed and missed Zarude last year because of it. On top of this we have apps

I didn’t know the new dub was kickstarted, when i saw the blu ray’s were coming out i def had to get them as i love the series, but i ADORE the original dub and def rewatched with hubby the original dub and just ignored the new one. No one can replace that Dilandau

There is a reason devs still to this day ask you to pirate their game instead of buying from these sites.

So here’s the fucking problem. Those sites have sellers that buy keys with stolen cards. Then those cards get refunded and it goes back on the devs/publisher of the game and costs them the sale PLUS fees for the refund. Prob not the case at least yet of this instance but it still is scaming customers.

Yeah def get what you are saying about that cop in Poland. That’s fucked up, and i get that too many people are insanely stupid that they can’t separate hate that is totally separate from the person. Pepe went through that shit too. And this really is more a fact that dumb people can’t search if a quote is real or not

This feels like some real Boomer energy not really understanding memes in general. It’s not forcing words out of your own mouth...

Nope stop the whataboutism right there. This aint about that.

I felt attacked with Penny Arcade, barring the fanny pack XD
