
Well if he’a Christian he didnt spend any time learning the religion either, as the gay rhetoric was only added to the bible within the last 100 years and it was originally against paedophilia. Also the main message is love no matter what the sin...

PASS, so done with GAAS

Haha u crazy then. It regularly hits 15 fps. I envy your ability to not be affected by fps drops then.

If you are talking about definitive edition of the original it runs well, i’m talking about Age of Calamity and if you are talking about that, idk what you are on cause EVERYONE has issues running that game well consistently.

Sorry but i would argue the switch needs a more powerful upgrade not for 4k but for fucking Hyrule Warriors as the biggest example, the new one runs like shit. A lot of switch games run like shit and an upgrade not even for 4k but to make even a lot of these other games run much better would well be needed imo.

God i am so sad it’s not actually more powerful, not for 4k cause not enough people have that yet but just for the MANY games that just don’t run well on the switch and drop frames constantly including first party games. I REALLY want to play the new Hyrule Warriors but goddamn it sucks SO much cause of it’s shitty

Nope on top of missing the extra content from previous releases. Fuck these remasters. By far not definitive editions. Only one that would be worth buying is FF3. But FF2 missing its bonus campaign is some bullshit. It added a lot of lore to the game and was a neat story.

Wait is this how Gilson B Pontes does it? Have we finally cracked the secret on Gilson that he just pays his way onto the store. This must be how Life of Black Tiger got featured so heavily on playstations channels and sites. They all just paid to look better than they are...

Yeah been following the news these are showing signs of not having the bonus content from the releases over the years and it went from a buy to not. What a crock it seems they wont be definitive editions.

Not everyone has great impulse control or the ability to stop themselves and end up ruining their lives. Thats part of the point of regulation to protect those that cant protect themselves. Also gambling corporations flat out are evil and design everything so they always come out on top and vast majority lose.

Man i knew gambling streams were getting popular and they are gross in general. But holy shit i didnt know these sites were giving these streamers paychecks on top of set amounts of money to spend to advertise for them. This beyond gross on a while other level and they absolutely should be banned.

Point is it makes it harder and bots would take longer to get through it

Its such an easy thing to fix online too. Put in a captcha at checkout at least just for big ticket items. And add a limit per shipping address on top for good measure.

A the secret all CEOs don’t want you to find out XD

I’m lucky that mine has gone down at least, i am so done with boss saying i need to smile more. Now when we have phone meetings i need to stop sounding mopey or down even though i’m not...

Just saying, smart delivery is only now a big deal BECAUSE Sony's quality of life upgrading implementation has been so shitty. It is still a nonsense term for what should just be basic features everyone expected of Sony too.

You dont know how much i actually want sonic shuffle 2, but fixing the mistakes from it

Well first of all, this run is starting halfway through. Also not fresh and on NG+ which is stated.

Even so, like as i am reading i just keep thinking. Who the hell cares? Adults can access adult content. Them calling it offensive material is such a fucked up old school notion.