Situations like this are always fascinating.
Situations like this are always fascinating.
Honestly, same. I thought it was going have funny points for each of the choices. Instead, it’s just images. Do Kotaku not pay per word or something?
You can’t kill Zarude! Who else will sing Sandstorm?
A....a low effort article. You figured it out.
Really low effort, without even a cursory line as to why they should die.
Wouldn’t that just turn them into ghost-types?
I get this is a comedic article and all, and I’m glad it’s not a slideshow, but I was expecting actual text entries explaining each choice.
What the fuck is this low effort article?
This is far and away the thing I am most annoyed with - pasture management. The other infuriating thing is: when you do a search for Pokemon, it doesn’t display the results of your search. It displays ALL Pokemon, except the ones that meet your search criteria aren’t greyed out. Pretty sure that’d fail the…
Someone has spent a lot of money on NFTs.
Some idiot paid millions for it, but does that make it “worth millions”? I’m honestly not sure I know the answer. I guess it’s all just semantics. Still, my gut tells me that NFT isn’t worth millions.
True, and yet, there’s just something special about especially-well-written fanfiction... fanfiction that is so good, it becomes headcanon for hundreds of fans. This could be one of those!
Toby Fox gave his blessing, so it’s all good!
Is this one going to be free as well?
He should absolutely as fuck not worry about that right now. The guy has serious issues with overworking and needs to take a fucking break. Or, since he comes across as if he’d sooner gnaw his own fingers off than take a break, he needs someone who cares about him to conk him on the back of the head, stuff him into a…
What the heck is he restricting carbs for? The man is as thin as a rail.
I love when people say they’re making CoD more “casual friendly”
Definitely intentional, they made multiplayer more casual friendly by removing the death count so new players can’t be mocked over chat for their KDR. This is Activision double-dipping by selling the feature back to the hardcore players.
‘When you look at these people who raised you and instilled you with many of the values you hold dear, it can be hard to believe that they’ve somehow turned into uncompromising rage monsters who call game developers lazy and probably have some bad opinions on immigration,”