
Haha, exactly. I thought Barron was supposed to be good with the cyber. He couldn’t Photoshop something up quickly for his dad?

Yes, straw purchases are illegal. (Also, that’s what the neighbor did.)

How are you still friends with this person? 

The party that also wanted to amend the Constitution to allow foreign-born citizens to become President because Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Republican golden boy for a couple of years before they realized he wasn’t a True Republican.

10 years ago, I thought Dubya would be the worst thing republican party pushed on America. Oh, if only that was still true. 

“He exaggerates”

Forget it Jake, it’s Lincolntown.

That makes too much sense.

Problem is a lot of people who didn’t like Hillary DID stay home.  Voter turnout was quite low nationally.  

I hope this is happening because the Wachowskis were inspired to add something relevant to their saga and make it the thing it failed to entirely be on their first try, but I fear this is happening because their star in Hollywood has sadly waned and there’s no more money available for any project they may want to do

Your question has a couple of flaws. First, Kaepernick started kneeling before Trump’s election. Second, protesting Trump after he leaves office would be kind of pointless. 

Typical Deadspin, making this all about Race.

I’m from Canada and never once believed you Americans were even close to being better than us or any other country. Trump, mass murders, poor access to healthcare and quality education. I wonder what your country would be like if you replaced all that dick-swinging with actual self-awareness. Shocking idea, I know. 

I’ve never really believed in American Exceptionalism, but it might finally be time to admit I was wrong about that. 

That bus is a sad monument to a sad story.

I would watch a remake of Twins starring Adsit and Adkins.

These look awesome, but not as awesome as the one I misread starring Scott Adsit.

Backdraft had three things going for it - Hans Zimmer’s bombastic score, Kurt Russell’s ridiculous chemistry level, and an absolute masterclass by Donald Sutherland, who channeled all of his worst instincts as an actor (of which he has a multitude) into a witch’s brew of insanity that somehow plays exactly right.

Agree with this. There is no need to shit all over Backdraft. It was a huge movie that a lot of people liked and a technical marvel. It was a serviceable story with great actors, but the star was the practical fire effects, which were truly unique. They were new and bold at the time, and basically no one does them

Well, at least we know where Cave Johnson was working in the 50s and 60s...