I don’t see gay. I think he’s a closet Mormon. Sometimes, they look the same. If he was actually Jewish, his head should have exploded long time ago (Jews will not replace us, sympathizer, Daddy in law).
I don’t see gay. I think he’s a closet Mormon. Sometimes, they look the same. If he was actually Jewish, his head should have exploded long time ago (Jews will not replace us, sympathizer, Daddy in law).
I’ll admit, I find gift buying complete torture. For work is even worse because then your buying gifts for people you might not cross the street to spit on.
It would appear there were some graduates of Trump University. I hear their grifting program was really, really top notch.
I think essential oils and crystal meth should pick her right up.
Why bother anymore? This comment will be gray, anyway.
If I’m getting Dwayne Johnson for Christmas, make sure to put the gift receipt in the box. Thank you.
I’m in AZ. No time change here. It’s, absolutely, the only benefit to living here.
The TV networks cut into programing awaiting Trump remarks about the North Korean missile. The media looked like stupid assholes when Trump said, “Duh?”. The media is really looking like abused housewives afraid to leave their husbands. There is other news beyond politics, but they keep trying to catch him in…
Dame Angie’s contemporary observations on the sexualizing of women may seem like an outlier, however there are about 2 billion Muslims in the world following the same principles. I wonder what the rape/assault statistics are in more modestly dressed countries.
I’m sure Melania misses the days she could send out for her husband’s regular diet of Big Macs and large fries. That taco bowl; Melania’s idea. Plan B: reading liberal news commentary at bedtime. Almost guaranteed to give the tiny handed president erectile dysfunction.
Up until a few months ago, Downton Abby had been my sleeping pill for some time. I must have gone through some seasons dozens of times. I’ll play it on my iPad at the dimmest setting. When the episode ends, the iPad joins me in slumber.
I would be petrified to show off something that expense in public. In fact, I was bit nervous wearing my white ear buds when I had the first few iPhone versions. At that time people were getting mugged. I was working in NYC at the time.
Your advice is antiquated. Moral high ground means nothing anymore. The country elected a pussy grabber in bed with the Russians. Alabama will elect a man that lusts after tweens. I want Franken to dig in heels until they drag him out by his ankles. Democrats need to get fugly!
You could send them a special Christmas card with your family all wearing matching “Black Lives Matter” t-shirts.
I also think you may have been under the wrong impression how Woody got his name.
Not a single item interests me on the list, whether coming or going. I’m going to cancel for a month or two. They invested too heavily in Marvel. I don’t watch any of the Marvel stuff.
The pro-gun, pro-life is moronic. Well, they all are. I’m lucky enough to have a neighbor with a personalized lic. plate: 4TRUMP.
I imagine there must be thousands of newly unemployed production people. I guess, for producers, looking the other way is no longer an option.
Well, you just got Roy Moore’s attention.
Looking at the video, did Conway cheap out and only get one side of her face done? The eyes are wonky. Maybe it’s always been that way; I never bothered to look too close. Also, she found her hair brush.