Annette Gaudino

Which is the opposite of #10, who ended practically every ep with hug.

I was terrified when the parents handed over the newborn. I was praying that scene didn't turn out to be why Suzanne is in prison.*

I liked that show, and Schilling's lead character and was bummed when NBC killed it after one season. Not bummed anymore.

I've never felt such *affection* for characters before in my tv viewing life. I genuinely want to give most of them a big hug - well, not Vee or Pennsatuckey. I just cannot stress enough how refreshing and satisfying it is to watch fictional women who come close to reminding me of actual women I know (I'm a woman,

Yes, talking hands free is worse than talking to the person sitting next to you. No one knows for sure but it's suspected that when you talk to an 'absent' person, you picture them in your head, which is not what you should be doing while driving. Also, passengers stop talking as needed, the person on the other end of

I think this criticism was valid for Season 1 - not hate, just that all the male characters were one dimensional, even for a broad comedy like this. It no longer applies to Season 2 - hell even the terrifying not-a-rapist-but-a-hitman was charismatic and had some funny lines. And Larry is a jerk but he's a fully

I bet that they come back to the article he published about Piper last season and to Larry trying to use Piper's story to launch his writing career.

I'm assuming Larry's still around because they will eventually get back to his writing about Piper being in jail and the conflict around Larry telling Piper's story, in a parallel of Piper Kiernan and her husband's book and NYT articles, which eventually gave us this show.

Oz was very very violent and brutal, OITNB is almost gentle, it's a minimum security women's prison after all. We go a little Oz-flavor in the Chicago penitentiary scenes in ep 1 but the shows have very different tones despite both being highly melodramatic. OITNB reminds me alot of M*A*S*H, a very funny ensemble

Lee/Gardner is also LG, and Canning, since he's dying, could presumably agree to keeping LG and not adding a C anywhere in there.

Presumably they didn't want to leave the arms behind, lest someone come along and figure out the code.

Yes, I'm going to be that person: the outdoor observation deck at the Empire State Building is on the 86th floor. There's an indoor one on the 102nd floor but there is not 104th floor at the Empire State Building.

Agent Retcon

Is that the Fairway on the UWS?

That's a very good point, but do people actually still watch Roseanne? If I came across it in syndication I doubt I would, and I definitely wouldn't seek it out.

The finale itself will never feel 'right' because this season they spent 11 hours (22 eps) portraying 56 hours of story, then switched gears and spend 40 some minutes covering 6-7 years of story. No matter how many nights you sleep on that, something's going to feel off in the story telling. A finale can't ruin a

I don't think there would be any discussion of how the mother's death was handled of the pace of the entire season made any sense. Spending 8 hours to portray 50 some hours of story, then completely switching gears to spend 40 minutes portraying 6-7 years means things are going to feel off.

While all fiction is obviously somewhat open to interpretation, the fact that it's not clear from the script what Robin has been doing since her divorce or what Ted's been doing since Tracy died, is a fault of the writers and the producers for how the episode was executed.

I stopped watching The X-Files after season 6 and to this day have not watching any of the remaining seasons. And season 6 was weak enough that while it didn't entirely ruin the series for me, I was bitter and pissed about it enough to give up a fandom that I had invested alot of time in (online forums and such),

As we've seen in promos, this fantasy of what could have been with Will is going to drive a wedge between Alicia and Peter. But even if that weren't the case, how do you grieve your lover with your husband? If Alicia breaks down and lets her feelings show, she risks hurting or alienating Peter. How would you feel, as