Annette Gaudino

Yeah, I'm not even sure Grace would say hell exists, and an atheist like Alicia certainly wouldn't imply anything about hell. Alicia was merely arguing that belief in an afterlife is "wishful thinking" as she puts it. Grace wants to believe that God is good, therefore heaven exists where Will still exists and reunion

I also loved that moment and you nailed why it rang true - David Lee is "doing what he [does]" but he's just barely holding it together. I also hope we get a lot more David Lee, et al. in the remaining eps.

They could have had Will's character move to Seattle.

Stringer Bell was a criminal who met a violent end in a series rife with violent ends. He was a soldier who died an epic death, Will worked in an office and did not carry a gun. Joyce Summers had a fatal illness that recurred, and the focus of her death was in fact the randomness of it, how it came when the characters