
You could build an entire house out of all that straw.

dishrag that on closer inspection is alive with maggots

OMG, bearded red-shirt guy with the baffled blinking. <3

Wanna guess how many of those kids were sexually assaulted/molested?

Do you think normal men have sex with 12 year olds? Do you think normal, sane men have sex with anyone in the bathroom of a cvs? Do you think normal men take their dicks out in public? This person is disgusting, and a predator.


The moral of the story is, don’t run a marathon.

I hate Daylight Savings Time with every fiber of my being.

It would also save lives to do away with it. A number of people are injured or killed due to the time change every year at around the time the clocks switch over. At both switchover points.

Data analysis isn’t for anyone, huh?

Ahhhh hell no. I work three jobs; my work weeks are routinely 55-60 hours a week; and my daily commute Monday-Friday is 3 hours round trip (weekends are shorter.) My husband, on the other hand, works 40 hours a week on a compressed schedule at one job, and his commute is 10 minutes round trip.

Thank you, Planned Parenthood. Because of you, I didn’t have a baby until the moment I wanted to. The last 14 years..it didn’t matter if I had health coverage, if I was a young girl who wasn’t comfortable talking to her parents about sex, if I had just moved to another state and didn’t have a job yet..I was protected.

Can I get a female exemption on my taxes? If the government doesn't care about my wellbeing because vagina, then I shouldn't have to pay as much into it.

Fuck that. I use my flex days to do things like “go to the park” and “wack off to the Price is Right”. Give me* my goddamn family leave like a normal fucking first world country.

I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

And, to be honest, I’m not really so fond of “positive” people before about 9am and at least one cup of coffee.

Why are customers always convinced people are lying to them? They have only one cup size, they aren’ trying to trick you for the fun of it. I one time had a customer, when I worked at the convenience store, swear up and down they paid for a money order with a credit card there just recently. The damn computers didn’t

There’s nothing wrong with being a humanist, but saying you are in response to a question of whether you’re a feminist implies that humanism is an alternative belief system about equality of the sexes, when it has nothing to do with gender.

It disappears sexism (real sexism; not “misandry”) as an axis of oppression.

I just don’t see the interest in getting pictures of celebrities kids. I mean, the interest in getting pictures of celebrities is already kinda dumb, but their kids haven't even done anything yet. Plus, little little kids all kinda look the same anyways. Sometimes I don’t get this industry or the consumer base.