
My brother and I were looking into designing and selling a civilian grade weaponized drone and EAW sensor balloon package for use by merchant marines in high-piracy risk areas. Basically pack some optical and IR sensors in a weather balloon for OTH pirate skiff detection and then pilot a kamikaze’d up RC plane with a

Surely you can see how hating freedom leads to...... uh..... gimme a sec here, would ya?

Meanwhile, the Syrian Musturd n Biscuits is saying “Hey man, they bombed my town from the air, I’m going to go bomb their town from the ground. Just fuckin’ wipe these assholes out, I don’t care about innocent people getting in the way.”

Yes! That guy in the bushes with the AK-47 is super boned now. There is no kill like overkill.

It’s a university, so... guarded about as well as the research primates, would you say? Or a little bit better.

We’re giving away free nuclear waste in the Tricities! Just grab a bucket and dip it in the water table.

1. By walking through the front door and swiping their ID badge

You act like these people have nothing.

I made an SS joke and you whiffed! I might be wrong about you after all.

The reason I’m against this idea is that civilians in Mosul are not able to “vote with their feet” because the rebels won’t let them leave. Also you’re condemning anybody who can’t hitch a ride across the desert on the last pickup truck out of town to death, so like the sick and the weak, the elderly and disabled,

He’s just hiding from SAMs in the ground clutter. Tanks for the assist, guys!

This, except I don’t think armed autonomous bands of Kurds would be welcomed by the government forces in the first place.

Stock holders doin’ alright here as well

Ok, so the guys in the desert brown BDUs have forest green body armor, and the snazzy forest green sturmgruppen lookin’ mofos have the desert pattern body armor.

That’s nothing. I wanna see the guy go into a departed flat spin while firing off flares and chaff and frying birds with EM while flipping me the bird.

Sorry, I am too old. That color palette makes me irrationally angry.

While we’re bitching about chopsticks, do you know they don’t actually use chopsticks in Thailand? You are being kinda totally racist if you ask for chopsticks at a Thai food place (unless it’s run by Mexicans, at which point the returns from my appropriation radar get too cluttered).

Alright, since we seem to be out of NFL QBs, here’s my crazy UFO story. Waiting for a friend to get off work, I was smoking a cigarette and laying on the hood of her car in the parking lot.

Al-Queda isn’t a country, and that didn’t stop us from invading un-related Iraq over 9/11. Belgium = not gonna do that.

You are the second person to pounce on “phantom WMD”. Is it some kind of special hat tinfoil talking point? As I have stated in earlier defenses of this same comment (I’m not sure if it’s etiquette to read before posting just to see if this ground has been gone over from an OP fatigue standpoint), Iraq fo sho had WMD