
Joke is dumb. China has larger carbon footprint than the US and is obviously super worried about rising sea levels.

Who’s saying it, though? The US can’t say anything, we can grumble about maritime navigation rights that nobody else observes (Freedom of Navigation/ 12 mile stuff) but it’s not like we have a territorial claim.

China has already lost numerous times in court to no effect. Pretty sure this one won’t do the trick either, nor the next one, nor the one after that.

China disputes they’re in the wrong. That’s over a billion nobodies and possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Thoughts on nationbuilding after the dictator goes? A lot of my pet theories rely on sending in engineers and economists after the walls fall, but that won’t work in a conflict zone like extra-Green Zone Bagdad.

I had a friend’s dad say something like that about Sarjajevo a few years back except it was hella racist.

Ok if you’re Assad then maybe you’re allowed to call the people trying to depose you by violence “terrorists”. Everybody else, break out your thesaurus!

The Yemen conflict is underreported, sure, but nobody likes the Houthis. They’re not even separatists, just another group that thinks they should be in charge of the country (or should I say countries, plural). Some more religious shitheads who can’t field an army but can sure sneak bombs into market in the town next

So the US could do that because they were a huge country with tons of manpower and resources and a giant industrial base.

Somehow I just knew you were local

I assume the thing that looks suspiciously like a pilot house means it will be crewed by badass robot sailors?

So you can make the case (and this is just my confirmation bias speaking here) that Bernie is talking about doing a little courtesy nation-building after you blow up somebody’s dictator for them.

Word ‘round the comment section is it was actually a coordinated assault by 256 US-backed anti-Assad fighters wearing suicide vests.

So is it just me or is US Naval gunnery really pretty poor? SOURCE: various “pirate skiff sinking” videos on youtube.

Doesn’t seem real survivable to me. If you need to know where somebody’s asset is until the second hostilities break out, ok sure. But I would rather put my money into something capable of locating these same assets during wartime when it counts.

You know, I think I just changed zombie apocalypse strategies

Badass. I bet you need 2 of these for every tank in an urban combat environment.

Indeed. For the greater good.

Ah. I am a nerd, odds are good but nay.