
Wait I don’t see any funky trimiran hull bizwack, I thought these were bigass hydrofoils like everybody else is doing with their smallest fastest surface combatants. Also unless that thing is one giant VLS cell or is getting fitted out with armament later, looks like they’re counting on marines in the bow with

I don’t have my privilege handbook handy, does track and field make the NCAA scads of money or not?

Now what if I told you, the kid in the story.....

I don’t get it, did the bacon have smallpox?

This is going to get out etc etc

Yeah like I said elsewhere, there was a war every decade like clockwork for awhile there. On the drive out to Sharm el Sheik, on the Sinai peninusula, there are burned out tanks and armor dotting the side of the highway. The Egypitians hauled their own stuff away, but intentionally left all the Israeli gear to rust in

Right, it’s smart to shoot down drones/spy planes/satellites/ornamental kites belonging to people you’re not at war with. We need people in charge who’ll do shit like that.

Thanks for your concern. I’m american, I just grew up overseas. We kids thought it was awesome, naturally, it was just the adults who insisted we get under cover etc. I guess the main thing was you were never completely certain this wasn’t the opening strike in a new round of hostilities, for awhile there was a new

Yes. Bit of cognative dissonance when I moved back to the US. I used to live in Egypt, Israel used to send F-4 Phantoms to Cairo and back, flying nap of the earth to stay under radar, just to see if they could get there and back before the Egyptian air force could react.

According to the FAA, a drone is legally an aircraft. According to the laws of our own nation we would be conducting a preempitve strike against a civilian aircraft. Hawt.

Couple of problems with that. #1, we’re going to look like dicks when we fire off live ordinance in a shipping lane, as if our big meaty supercarrier is afwaid of a widdwe dwone.

Arr, matey, go the somalis.

Iran isn’t a threat to the US (outside of bog-standard OPEC stuff) but it is a threat to Israel. That alone means we’re never going to leave Iran alone.

It just looks so naked with out 15 drop tanks clustering its hardpoints like piglets around the nipple

Now playing

be ready for an America that uses Russian war machines to kill

Oh I don’t think for one second this has anything to do with NK, unless it was as the “two” in a budgetary two-fer. No question it was aimed at the PRC.

That’s a little bit more like wheeling artilery into position than it is fudging around with what’s forward deployed and what ain’t.

Similarly to Russia installing more S-400s in Kaliningrad, I simply do not understand how moving your shit-hot cutting edge weapon system to a given locale is supposed to be “provocative” or “sabre-rattling”. I mean sure if I’m the political head of the other guys with the pointy end of the weapon system aimed at me I

Yeah but the iron bombs still say “FOR FRANCE” on the side, right? It’s ok, everybody, Putin’s got this. Fuck those daesh cunts, amirite?