That’s basically the exact comment I wanted to make.
That’s basically the exact comment I wanted to make.
That’s funny, I just saw delta force (i think) getting kicked out of libya the other day. They were in civvies alright. Problem is the local civilians don’t wear North Face and LL Bean so they still stood out.
As far as eating crow goes, this one wasn’t too bad. I myself thank the Iranians for not getting any bright ideas about hostage exchanges.
I got one! At 1:58, I am not firing my CS cannister or flashbang or whatgoddamned ever through a window 8" away from my partner’s head when there is a chance I hit the window grill and ricochet, at least not without a courtesy “hey I’m shooting right fucking next to your head, hold still for a sec.”
At 1:22 is a moment of accidental high comedy. Thanks, shitty edit guy, you made my day.
Wow you could swap “USA” for “Russia” in that post and it would still be every bit as true.
Like usual, Jalopnik kept all the promo schwag and sold their advance copy on eBay.
All part of the Pittsburgh strategy to antagonize Vonteze Burfict into putting another Steeler WR’s nose into their brain with their facemask
Wat is this jalopnik article doing on my foxtrot alpha
Yeah it was google to google, so I bet they’ve established 1:1 equavalencies for a lot of words. I only really switched alphabets once, that probably helped too.
Because supermarkets are american things. There are a zillion asian stores on the east side, you’re just an idiot.
We have the same rules about space, which hopefully one day will cease to make sense.
As the author states, the story has now picked up steam in the regional media, despite being a logical nonevent (“omg, THAT’s what airstrips are for??”).
That’s not an island, it’s a man made structure squatting on filipino and vietnamese fishing waters. Fucking myanmar is closer than china, as the crow flies. Do you see they myanmarese coast guard out ramming people with destroyers?
You can sink islands with submarines, these days. Just ask Ben Carson.