
Refs are RAYCESS

You’re pretty sure Russia won’t start dropping “10,000 lb bombs” on Raqqa. What’s that based on? Your knowledge that Russia has unlimited precision munitions? Putin’s well known fear of things ISIS puts on social media about him? The big stick of American armed intervention?

Oh good, you’re back. Your body may have spent time in “the middle east” (I used to live there, as well) but sadly the brain attached is making piss poor use of it.

I’ve been hanging out on meetme and tinder. This is the cutest chick i’ve seen all day.

I know! I couldn’t think of the name of the shitty domestic russian car brand and I’m not going to bother googling it just to fuck with you. It’ll come to me later.

We were talking about

Well you asked for a citation. Why should I do all your work for you.

Callow. That was the word I was looking for.

I don’t really give a fuck where your dumb bombs go

Cuz there’s no difference between a Zil and a Yugo.

Good thing there are all these places for the refugees to go.

Oh bullshit, next you’ll be telling me we outsource top secret high tech aerospace manufacture to China cuz it’s cheaper to build it there.

Some of the inlets around Bremerton are something right out of Mad Max: Beyond Valyria. Come around the bend, all like “shit somebody left an aircraft carrier here”, like God went to bed early and forgot to put away his toys.

IIRC the Iranians use them as AWACS, because the radar on the tomcat is better than the russian export crap they would otherwise get.

Yeah I think my “you will never amount to anything” oughta win.

OMFG now we’ve got a Flanker escorting a MISSILE. Haha Russia is so far behind they haven’t even invented the missile-escort missile yet. Plenty of need for frontline advanced air superiority fighters. Meanwhile, as far as I can tell our B1s just kind of wander around Iraq and Afghanistan, loitering, looking for

Certain individuals in the USA would regret the massacre of pretty much the entire civilian population of a non-USA country.

Also, fighter escort? Iranian fighter escort?

The F-14As?

So I can’t help but think that all this precision munitions use in the front end is merely buying cover for the fact that they’re gonna end up conventional-bombing Raqqa and other civillian population centers WWII style.