So that rocket batarang they used to send the painter over, is that standard equipment?
So that rocket batarang they used to send the painter over, is that standard equipment?
Hilary Clinton
Older asian lady, seat in front of me. Furiously scratching her scalp, just chinchilla-taking-a-bath scence.
What? Starbucks is named after a character in Moby Dick? That is literally stupid.
Yeah lotta sturm und drang here. What is the difference between a torpedo and a kamikazi robot midget submarine? Not much. It’s supposed to have roll-on neutron bomb capabilities? Ok, sure. The bigger the suitcase, the bigger the nuke right?
Man, russian airline inflight menus sure are weird. I’ll have the scrambled octopus, I guess.
Oh no, we get it. It’s the hyperbole masquarading as well-reasoned philosophy that raises the ire.
How are things in the tri-border area? I remember that was viewed as sort of a terrorism hotspot, just because it’s supposed to be an open air arm show/drug market, but I haven’t heard anything in the news of late.
Saudi Arabia is our biggest client state in the region. All you’re arguing is that they’re our friends, but not “fundamentally” our friends.
where the social democrats at
Mmm. I work with this guy. Not Trump specifically, but.
holy crap, you just keep coming back for more.
Oops! I forgot the Zapatistas. I hope they’re still around
1. The US/Mexico border dispute is about as hot as friday night at the tatum house.
Wow! Trump would have annexed Iraq and given the land to the families of vets? I mean, how on earth else am I supposed to parse this:
edit: or not
Way to make genralist sweeping accusations about an entire category of people based on one person making what you believe to be a sweeping generalization. What is it like to walk around uninhibited by irony?
I will put this here:
So you are saying there are different rules for the rich
Ok well the next town over’s DA was popped for DUI. I haven’t bothered to check but I can tell you she don’t work there no more.