
How to pour a concrete seawall?

There’s room for at least two more hardpoints on this thing, what’s up with that?

This is my favorite of the 9 dashes right here. 8 countries have a better claim than China, as the crow flies.

You are comparing apples and oranges. The F35 is a single-engine light fighter, the F22 is a twin engine air superiority fighter.

I actually wonder what it would be like to have america run by a golden parachute CEO for once, instead of the traditional nonpracticing attorney.

Oh my god, I would be so good at this. Nobody can ride the cusp of blacking out like me.

I dunno. I’m usually through here twice a day, I’d rather see something posted than not. Just pretend it’s a sitcom and this is the episode where they sit around and flashback to previous episodes or something.

I have been reading up about vietnam and the phillipine’s military readiness... not pretty.

Unless it was the USS Gerald Ford Pinto, I doubt it would even notice.

I think you need to go watch Top Gun a few hundred more times and get back to me

I read something that said they removed one of two 23mm cannon from the nose to make the J variant, doesn’t say if that’s still part of a moderized J.

I think he’s saying, be on high hypocracy alert if you’re accusing the russians of fucking with undersea cables.

Maybe you need to go rewatch the opening to Top Gun a few hundred more times. I mean sure those were jet trainers and these were unarmed (if you’re a surface combatant) maritime patrol craft, but still.

Like most people, I have a couple of things up on YouTube.

So YouTube is the democritization of the internet. It was a global Public Access channel, exactly what the FCC had in mind when they regulated it into existence out of thin air in the 70s. The idea was that it was in the public interest to insure that access to information could never be entirely, monolithically

That “interactive documentary” format is HORRIBLE. You can trust me to sit through a 20 minute film, guys.

The leading edge extensions look massive! Way bigger than the super hornet.

Yes. But on the surface, china can get away with “viet nam is doing it too” as a sound bite. I personally can’t understand why we didn’t allign more closely with viet nam back when the whole “send our coast guard to beat up and harass your fisherman” thing started, it’s not like china’s 9-dashed-line expansion plan is

You’re supposed to take this thing off and leave it for the next person getting their hair cut

A naked eye viewing of a map would seem to support your position. When it comes to opposing the local superpower, though, the phillipines don’t want none.