Special Circumstances

I see less 'spaced out' and more 'so done with this shit.' I think when she's older, she will have master resting bitch face. I already admire her.

Dinosaurs like to hang yo

I don't know, ever heard of a male bonding thing like spending a week in the wilderness? There are plenty of ways guys can bond without being all hazy.

It's even worse when you listen to the Willie Nelson cover.

My cat has very stinky poops. Like horrible stinky poops. The vet cleared him and all, but this litter, specifically the Multi Cat formula, makes the house so much more livable.

Dear America,

In all fairness, they have been brainwashed themselves. I feel more sorry for them than anything else.

I bet the ladies have never complained. Amirite?

Maybe they were unconsciously uncoupled for a while now and it only came to them seven months ago.

Not a mom either, so I have zero excuses. Yeah, I have this irrational fear that I'll be caught on People of Walmart one day. But then I realize it's 1 am and I am not putting on real person clothes just to pick up a [insert random item here].

That doesn't mean I'm not gonna try. Greg Abbott makes my skin crawl.

See that argument pisses me off. I used to make plenty enough to be taxed. I didn't have kids. And I had zero problems paying local taxes toward public schooling. Why? Because educating everyone benefits us all. Seriously, I hear DINKS complaining about this this.

What if it was against my religious beliefs to hire asshats, or douchebags, or people who wear the color yellow?

I read a quote by someone, a nun in support of birth control AND pro-choice, who said, "They're not pro-life, they're pro-birth." I think that's pretty accurate.

This is the only reason I know the existence and definition of the word syzygy. Also, obfuscate. love the X-Files. So educational.

Man, I just moved here. This guy represents me? I can't wait for elections.

Sooooo NSF can only do the science Congress can agree that they should do? Science will never be done there again. Further, I wish the GOP would stay out of my hoohoo, my bedroom and now, my science.

Craig Ferguson is an American now. I hold out hope. He would be a fantastic doctor.

Well, I'm not voting for him. I moved here in July and got registered to vote just so I could vote against that asshole. Here's hoping there'll be an upset.

Me neither. I've see her in various live interviews and she's always gracious and funny, but not GOOPy at all. I really like her awkwardness. It IS earnest and I find nothing wrong in that.