
You just jumped to about a million conclusions that are not warranted based on this article. I’ll bet you dimes to dollars that if you survey most American and Chinese hetero households, the man is paying for most of the household items. I am more than willing to go Target, either by myself or with my partner, to pick

I love how a story about the phenomenon of women “forcing” their men to accompany them while clothes shopping(No one goes to the mall to buy household items) turned into somehow a screed about about how men don’t do enough shopping for the home. Truly, we are all jumping to ridiculous conclusions. People in

Who wants to sit around and watch that?

So now domestic work is “emotional work”. And, despite changes in employment patterns, men are still largely the main breadwinners in the family. It’s not upaid labour to take care of the house while the other works.

Last I checked shopping isn’t “emotional work” unless you shop to alleviate sadness or feelings of inadequacy.

Oh puhleeze! You know this isn’t about shopping for home items! He can do that on his own if need be. This is about spending money on HER wardrobe. Stop being disingenuous.

Women need to stop this. Buying clothes for their “man”. Just stop. It’s not necessary and it’s matronizing. Stop.

What gives you the impression that they are grocery shopping or getting household goods? It’s a mall!

Because he probably has to drive her.

God, I’m glad they didn’t go that route. That would be peak magic negro! The magic negro slave to do Alladin’s bidding! There is a reason the original genie was a black man and it’s not a good reason. Notice how in these movies the black man is always some magical creature(Shrek, Mulan and now this) Heard but never

Yeah, but it isn’t girls this time.

These three women are just salty that he replaced them with these new girls.

This country treats white womanhood like it’s a prize

There is nothing nuanced in this article or in most of the comments. It’s a kinja circle jerk featuring broke down platitudes, lame memes, flat jokes and saccharine affirmations.

It’s a false perception given high profile by people like yourself and the author of this article. It’s a perception because, like all false grand narratives, it’s promoted by those who seek its confirmation as it gives them pleasure to confirm false but personally “true” models of the world. Oh, and grammar policing:

Ad hominen attacks, the last resort of the defeated. You’re using a false grand narrative(That “successful” black men seek out white women as “trophies) to frame a real world situation involving real people with real feelings. And you say I lack nuance?

He and his wife filed for divorce in April. You have no idea if he was cheating or what sort of relationship he and his wife had. You’re just making assumptions. And if black men have an opinion about Ciara, that’s their prerogative and right. RW is known to be pretty religious and refused to have sex before marriage.

First, he apologized to for comments and regrets them. Second, he was accused of domestic violence over seven years ago.(And never mind that his partner/spouse admitted to lying about it) You have proof that he still an abuser?

So nearly a decade ago FM was accused his domestic battery and served some time. No evidence that he presently hits his partners. On the other hand, McGregor is a racist now, today, presently!

There is absolutely no proof that FM serially beats his women.