
It was his wife with dinner. 

There are other ways people contribute to society without having a paid job. There are people who volunteer. Lots of organizations do essential work but can’t afford to pay their “workers”. What about stay at home moms? Divorcee’s who’s time would be better spent raising their kids but don’t get alimony or child

Will Smith already did a buddy film based off the Bhagavad-Gita.

It’s based off a cheesy cartoon called Aladdin, what do you expect. I guess maybe because it’s a Middle Eastern setting that doesn’t feature a bomb pocked landscape people are calling it lame.

But it does’t look all that bad, not for a movie target for children. People overthink this sh*t.

AWIT was not bad, not at all. And this Aladdin looks fun!

Any one else feel like it’s a bit messed up that the Jazz category has morphed into “Contemporary Instrumental Album”? And I guess they just scuttled the Latin music category. Also, what’s the difference between Americana and American roots? For that matter, R & B and Urban Contemporary? And have they finally decided

He’s rich because he’s a very good basketball player and millions of people enjoy watching basketball. 

Well, that’s the point, it took them two and half minutes to actually ask a basketball question. 

His critics? He doesn’t owe his critics a damn thing!

Really? Like players salaries aren’t capped. This is generates revenue for the owners not the players.

It’s not his job! His job is to perform on the court. This is all about the interest of the owners and the franchise who have chummy relationships with various media businesses.

Oh please! So it’s not the product on the court that draws interest? No, media talks attracts attention to media businesses. Fans who enjoy the game watch the game for the game, not the talking heads. 

Durant’s never been all that big on self-awareness”

no one’s vilifying Davis for wanting out - or at least, no one who matters”

This makes no sense. Magic and Bird were personal rivals. Are Lebron and AD rivals? Hell no! On the other hand, Magic played with Kareem, a mega superstar!

You’re not old, you’re just not paying attention. You don’t think Lebron doesn’t want to take down Curry and the Warriors? Really? He knows he can’t do that himself, he can only do that with other exceptional players.

Oh, okay, it’s not like the sports media world isn’t losing their sh*t over what Kyrie said a few days ago, right? Maybe take moment to understand the present context of Lebron’s words. 

Bullsh#t! The whole of Cleveland had a meltdown because he did something in his best interest. Non of your examples indicate actions deserving of scorn. So KD wanted to go play for a good team? Well, that team wanted him to come play for them, but no one faults the GSW? Wouldn’t you want to work for a successful

Or maybe it’s because she’s a politician who wants us to give her more power. It’s not like we didn’t talk about Trump’s sex life or Obama’s marriage to Michelle or what Clinton was doing in the white house or whether Romney wore special underwear to bed or Ted Cruz’s unattractiveness.