
Yeah, but he was 12, c’mon....Maybe he secretly admired you and has gone chub because you inspired him. You should actually send him a message and ask him just that. “Have you gone big because of me?”

US banknotes only feature a humans face on one side. All have been presidents except for the hunned’ which features Benny Frank. Thus, “It’s all about the Benjamins”(Both a song and movie) By the way, I do in fact blame Benjamin Franklin for that song. Just cause.

Um, a lot of guys bark because they are dawgs. Don’t you ever notice that’s how they refer to themselves? Sup, dawg! Of course, obligatory #notallboys #Iapologizeonbehalfofmykind

Damn this game is ugly but I really, really want it now! I’m going to use it to recreate all my favorite fights from The Boondocks.

Where’s the “we” when resources are allocated to whiteness? Where’s the “we” in being relegated to second (more like third or fourth) class citizenship due to skin color?

First, this isn’t the colonial age anymore. A LOT has been done to break down the edifice of white supremacy so more mixed people doesn’t automatically equal buffer class especially when you consider most of the pairings are among the working classes. And consider, we already have a long history of race mixing in

many white women are not too happy about Ryan Gosling dating Eva Mendez

Black men dating/marrying non-black women is not damaging to women. Black men beating, killing, raping, scamming, and abusing black women is damaging. IR dating is not subjugation.

I challenge you to put together a list of black male celebrities who are with black women vs. black male celebrities with non-black women. The perception that black men marry/date out at such a high degree is just that a perception. And is it any surprise when they do given that non-black women out number black women

So, I’ll be that guy, but black men can’t be in black women’s corner if they aren’t also f*cking them? Jesse can’t love and support his aunties, grandma, cousins, friends, etc. unless he’s putting it to a woman who looks like them? So I guess black women who marry/date out can’t be down for the cause either, right?

It essentially was because the woman was complaining about brown men being with white women.

What’s funny is that Russell Wilson left his white wife and got with Ciara. But I didn’t see white women crying about that.

A black man can treat black woman with respect and still be in an IR relationship. The narrative seems to be that if a black man and black woman split(for whatever reason) and he ends up dating a white woman some how that is disrespectful to black women as a group. That’s nonsensical and dumb. Jesse’s wife doesn’t

How is he not practicing what he preaches? Must all black people be in relationships with white woman in order to be “down” to be against racism, to support black people? And how did he treat his wife and kids? Did he abandon his children? You’re writing this narrative in your head because it supports your model of

Jesse has been famous for yours, he didn’t just come up. And you don’t know what was going on with their marriage so “betrayal” is a bit presumptuous.

How is Jesse’s choice of partner related to his politics? How is being with a (as in one, single, uno) white woman somehow shitting on black women? And you act like most marriages don’t end in divorce. We don’t know the details so we look like assholes when we cast evil eyes at the man because his relationship didn’t

The whole long black men using black women and our suffering as a pedestal only to turn around an shit on a black woman is not worthy of discussion?

Can we put this whole white women as trophy thing to rest? It only helps perpetuate the myth that white women are superior and it’s not even true. Most MOC, including successful ones, are not with white women.

That article was terrible and many of those commentators were right. We were once fighting for peoples rights to marry across ethnic and racial lines and now we are condemning them because it is somehow insulting to women of color? Get out of here. In the US, there are about four times as many white women as WOC, why

I’m just wondering, but why would I want to marry a woman who looks like my mother? That’s disconcerting to me. And in our modern, hyper individualist, global culture, it seems pretty nonsensical to talk about trying to protect are constantly disintegrating old world ethnic communities. That’s how you get Trump in