Only took them 4 years to figure it out.
Only took them 4 years to figure it out.
Pro Tip: Anyone that does want to go back to school has serious problems.
You’re not supposed to want to go back to school, and, in my experience, the people that do tend to be the ones that were super popular and couldn’t keep that popularity afterwards.
Usually because they were good at something that has absolutely…
Because even when we have control over 99% of the government, we’re still a persecuted minority!
Lets be fair, Trump is having a really bad time at the moment.
I mean, all the cinemas are closed and he’s really good at projecting....
Sonic Mania. Look, I love the old Sonic games. I’ve even liked some of the newer ones (more specifically the day stages of Unleashed). But Mania is the best version of 2D Sonic ever made. It’s slick, it’s smooth and has some of the most inventive level design in the series.
Now remember, statues are how we remember history, and since this event happened in *checks notes* the past, I think we can all agree that this statue, depicting a moment in the city’s history, should be allowed to stay, right?
Also, who cares about egos? Egos are fragile little things. Egos have to be protected.
I think it’s far less complicated than that. I don’t think Trump is self aware enough to be afraid of prison (and to be honest, deep down, I doubt he’ll see even the nicest of prison walls; corruption is as corruption does).
I look forward to the day either the Army or Secret Service drags Trump out of the White house
Gigawatt is an OK name, but I’ll always call him Optimus Time.
Stop. Copying. Silicon. Valley!!!!
Now that’s just mean.
Is it being displayed at the Mystery Shack?
Good. That film was the sort of film that takes it’s time to get to what we could call the Staus Quo of the Sonic Universe, so it’s a case of the film being perfectly fine, but it made me more excited for a sequel.
It’s more about perception. Every name comes with baggage. Some names carry negative stereotypes - rightly of wrongly - so it's a point to consider.
I was always told “imagine someone with the same name is applying to you for a job”, when picking a name.
GM’d my first game recently. They murdered a harmless NPC, convinced a small dragon to follow them with the promise of all the humanoids they could eat and I had to figure out the charisma stat for a stone wall because the Ranger got mad at the Dwarf for not using his stonecunning because “that’s profiling”.
The only point on which I would reschedule grocery shopping would be to try and avoid weekends as much as possible. Given how weekends have effectively been made irrelevant, it’s still alarming how many people still shop over the Friday - Sunday period.
Any other advice is kind of moot. Tell people that the best time…