
Also have your kids act right

I feel that the costumes is inaccurate, first you have them waving a American flag when the news videos show them carrying the flags of their nations. They also are mostly women and none of them are carrying rocks to throw at the authorities.

Get a grip, If you live in place that does not matter like North Dakota things are slow to change and may never change. The reality is that majority of our population live in large cities and more often than not it is the teacher’s souls that are crushed not the students.

How do you think that is going to turn out for you if you keep getting people fired for having different thoughts, do these people magically vanish from the world after that happens, do you keep poking a hive with a stick?

“The future is fucked for blacks”

Minority students have issues no matter what color the teacher is or what they believe

I wonder why Idaho is so safe?

A new addition to the fake hate crimes list

“White people have been historically evil and what not.

Um, Adam Lanza was mentally ill and had no political agenda

You are right about that

China seems to be okay with it, just sayin

The person at the gate might have not been aware of the HOA policy in regards to this situation. I think that a gated community does not have to allow them in. She should have call the HOA instead of calling the police to confirm the policy and let them deal with it if they were breaking the policy for the gated

What they want

He has just 61 Facebook friends, almost all women

Most of the gated communities in my area have a “no soliciting” notice at the gate, just sayin

We already know what is going on, we have a very poor mental health system and most people dont even have access to the crap system that we do have.

What is surprising is that we have over 200+ black hate groups which is really a high number for a people who make up just 13% or so of the population

How is South Africa doing these days now that another demographic is in charge for decades?